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May 19th 2009 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

link title [[1]]

Meeting Information


  • Steve Connolly
  • Suzanne Gonzales-Webb, CBCC Co-Chair
  • Don Jorgensen
  • Milan Petkovic
  • Rob McClure
  • David Sperzel
  • Richard Thoreson, CBCC Co-Chair
  • Tony Weida


  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (40 min) Object Vocabulary discussion continued from Security-CBCC call
  3. (0 min) Ballot Reconciliation Ioana will be sending the ballot reconciliation spreadsheets to review with work groups for approval. (not discussed) pushed to next week's meeting
  4. (15 min) SAEAF-conformant Alpha Project ~Don Jorgensen; need to find out where Don Jorgensen is with the revised project scope statement for PASS
  • We are attempting to complete by the September ballot
  • currently PASS Alpha Project will include:
    • Access Control (Security)
    • Privacy, Consent (CBCC)
    • Audit, (figuring out the identity issue)
  • It will be an agressive schedule

We hope that it will allow flexible policies to be applied (Canada, US) will have tools and standards, framework where they can implement their policies. A more context-aware access control (from the IHE meeting showing Emergency Access examples.

  1. (5 min) Other Business ~None~

--Suzannegw 19:08, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

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