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June 4, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information



  1. (05 min) Roll Call
  2. (05 min) Approve Vancouver WGM Minutes & Accept Agenda
  3. (10 min) Vancouver WGM Report Out
  4. (10 min) Behavioral Health CCD - next steps
  5. (25 min) Behavioral Health Domain Analysis Model - ballot reconciliation
    • To download spreadsheet from your browser, go to the most recent Revision and click on Download, then do a File/Save As to save a copy on your computer by renaming with an Excel extension, e.g. whatever.xlsx or .xls
  6. (5 min) Other Business


Today's discussion focused on next steps for the September ballot

  • Deliverables include:
  1. Development of a CDA Implementation Guide(IG) for Behavioral Health reporting based on the Behavioral Health domain analysis model balloted in May, 2012
    • The IG will detail how one would use the Consolidated CDA templates (C-CDA) to represent the content of a Behavioral Health summary.
    • This may require a new document type LOINC code
  2. Vocabulary mapping and gap analysis to support core data elements for summary reporting
    • Coded data elements that were identified in the May DAM will be first harmonized with data element requirements from SAMHSA's SAIS and TRAC systems (used to submit behavioral health reporting by the block grant and discretionary programs) - (Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), Uniform Reporting System/National Outcomes Measures (URS/NOMs), and Government Performance and Results Act(GPRA) data elements will be reviewed, and a complete set of elements and their enumerations will be derived and mapped to standards-based code system concepts.

To be continued

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