ITS Concall Minutes 20140624
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ITS Teleconference - June 24, 2014
Present: Dale Nelson (DN), Paul Knapp (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), Brian Pech (BP), James Agnew (JA), Bryn Rhodes (BR)
Quorum met: Yes
Chair: PK
Scribe: AS
- Role call and agenda
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings May 27, June 3 and June 17
- Announcements
- Review Clinical Quality Language PSS
- Approve Phoenix WGM Minutes
- List of impacted Standard for Datatype Schematron Errata
- Also need to start work on Errata
- Action Item Update
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- Last action: PK will prepare Publication Request for April 29, 2014 teleconference
- Review of Product Briefs
- Schedule on agenda of May 2014 WGM
- HL7 over HTTP
- AS will update PSS for new schedule and scope
- PK will investigate registering the mime-types described in HL7 over HTTP
- PK will submit the NIB
- ITS 1.1
- AS will update the PSS
- PK will manage the submission of NIBs
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Called to order at 2:04 pm Eastern
Minute Approval May 27 June 3 and June 17
- Motion: Approve May 27 as posted AS/DN unanimous
- Motion: Approve June 3 as posted DN/AS 4-0-1
- Motion: Approve June 17 as posted DN/BP unanimous
Review Clinical Quality Language PSS
BR presented the PSS for review and approval. There was a great amount of discussion around the scope, the definition and the underlying need. It was agreed that there needed to be additional work on the PSS prior to approval. The ballot in the current cycle is For Comment Only may not require a NIB but the group was looking to ensure that as the work on the PSS continued there was no block on moving toward ballot.
Motion: ITS wishes to be a co-sponsor of the PSS and continue to the work on the wording and that CDS can submit the NIB AS/DN unanimous
Phoenix WGM Minutes
AS still working on transcribing DN notes from WGM
Action Items
No actions
Meeting adjourned at 3:29 pm Eastern