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FHIR Virtual Connectathons
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A Virtual Connectathon is similar to a physical FHIR Connectathons
The hope is that one could hold a Virtual Connectathon that meets the criteria for testing, and moves development of specification and products along in an appropriate way.
TODO: Find criteria needed for FMM testability
- No travel, less expensive
- Attract participation from farther away
- Attract participation from smaller organizations
- Not limited by space
- Dependent on the Internet
- thus security is more important to keep out unwanted connections, thus security layer must be first agreed to and tested
- Human-to-human communication is more difficult
- Communications between humans will be through technology that can make a record, thus causing issues with 'what happens at connectathon stays at connectathon'
- no technology infrastructure support
So What
- Likely should focus on established Test Scenarios
- developing scenarios will be harder
General principles of Connectathons at the IHE Wiki at