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DoF 2018-02-21

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Devices on FHIR Meeting 2018-02-21

Web conference via Online meeting id: devicesonfhir Access code 399374

Phone: +1 (605) 475-4703

Presiding Co-chair: John Rhoads

Last meeting: DoF_2018-02-14

Attendance: Brian Reinhold (LNI), Uwe Meyer (MT2IT), Martin Rosner (Philips), Ken Fuchs (Draeger), Michael Faughn (Prometheus Computing/NIST), John Dyer (Draeger), Ali Nakoulima (Cerner), Ana Kostadinovska (Philips), Koichiro Matsumoto (Nihon Kohden), John Garguilo (NIST), Paul Schluter (CMI), Bjorn Andersen (Univ. Lübeck)


- Discussion of suggested PoCD 2018 JAN ballot comment resolutions 2018-02-19 PoCD ballot comment analysis meeting (Rhoads, S. Karl)

  • 15373 Clarify requirement (or not) for MDC code - 2018-Jan PoCD #40 ()

A quorum being present, acceptance of recommended resolution moved by Reinhold, seconded by Garguilo, vote 13-0-0

Essentially equivalent comments below, from different submitters, accepted. S. Karl / Reinhold 13-0-0

  • 15342 Change DeviceMetric.color & DeviceComponent Channel profile color extension to have a data type of CodeableConcept - 2018-Jan PoCD #9 ()
  • 15351 Field "color" should use more appropriate coding scheme - 2018-Jan PoCD #18 ()

- Continue with PHD ballot resolutions (Rosner)

Accepted. Rosner / Reinhold 11-0-1

  • 15408 IG lacks CapabilityStatements - 2018-Jan PHD #29

Next general DEV WG DoF meeting DoF_2018-02-28