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DoF 2018-02-14

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Devices on FHIR Meeting 2018-02-14

Web conference via Online meeting id: devicesonfhir Access code 399374

Phone: +1 (605) 475-4703

Presiding Co-chair: John Rhoads

Last meeting: DoF_2018-02-07

Attendance: Stefan Karl (Philips), Koichiro Matsumoto (Nihon Kohden), Brian Reinhold (Lamprey Networks/PCHA), Martin Rosner (Philips), Ken Fuchs (Draeger), John Dyer (Draeger), Ali Nakoulima (Cerner), Ana Kostadinovska (Philips), Bjorn Andersen (University of Luebeck), Uwe Meyer (MT2IT), John Garguilo (NIST)


5 min: General update on Ballot activities (John Rhoads)

Remainder of meeting: Ballot comment resolution (Martin Rosner)

For reference: 2018JAN PHD Implementation Guide - Directory of Tracker Item Links

WG members decided since Brian Reinhold was present, to start with discussing his following ballot comments.

  • FHIR Change Requests #15380 Summary: The approach for handling multiple specializations and the use of a ChildDeviceComponent does not work in the PHD infrastructure. Voted: Mover/Seconder: For-Against-Abstain: Brian Reinhold/Martin Rosner: 8-0-3 Resolved, change required: adopt resolution "change the type from 0..1 to 0..* in the Device resource. This resolution is to request this change in the Device resource or consider a solution using an extension."
  • Change Requests #15381 Summary: Associated with the statement above, the ChildDeviceComponent is not needed. It is currently not done in this IG. - 2018-Jan PHD #3. After discussion, submitter Brian Reinhold withdrew the comment, considering it moot after resolution of [#15380]
  • FHIR Change Requests #15382 Summary: As stated in the IG itself the version of FHIR used by the IG is not compatible with the version of the tool used to create this IG. This descrepancy will need to be fixed when the tool supports R4. Resolution: Not related (voted Martin Rosner/Brian Reinhold/8-0-2) Comment: concerns the tooling, not the Implementation Guide. Toolsmiths are aware of the difficulty.
  • FHIR Change Requests #15383 Summary: Pointing to the PHG in the Observation resource instead of the DeviceComponent will allow the presence of a single DeviceComponent to represent the PHD regardless of the uploading application as it will contain information ONLY about the PHD. Persuasive with mod Resolution voted Brian Reinhold/Martin Rosner/8-0-2 was "Harmonization of the Device resource does not require 'related' link to the gateway. As such the solution to link to the gateway will need an extention in the resource Observation to enable referencing to the gateway in addition to referencing to the devices."

Considering the amount of time considering these items, the consensus of the group was to schedule additional time for an appropriate subgroup do preliminary analysis of the items with no votes, and summarize and recommend a resolution for briefer discussion with a quorum present for votes.

Meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM ET.

Next meeting: DoF_2018-02-21