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Datatypes R2 Issue 56
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Data Types Issue 56: SRCH semantics
EN.use has a number of use codes. One of the use codes is SRCH, which has only a minimalistic description that leads to implementation questions.
Add description what SRCH means in practical terms, this should at least contain a description that "*" can be used at the end of a string to denote a random sequence of characters.
? backward compatible.
There is no use-case for 'storing' names/addresses with a SRCH use-code, as it is query specific.
- In other words, SRCH is no longer a desirable feature for EN. A "flag" to indicate that something is SRCH should not be part of the datatype spec, but should be solved in a different manner.
- Also see Datatypes R2 Issue 62
Lloyd: There is DEFINITELY a use for storing phonetic and Soundex representations of a name in person registries (and even correcting them). These were not added for querying
I believe the usecase for SRCH
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