August 09, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
on-hold FHIR Consent Profile (FHIR Privacy IG) WEDNESDAY 12 NOON PT / 3 PM ET hosted by CBCC (previously the Friday meeting) GoToMeeting information: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 994563 Wiki: HL7 FHIR Consent Directive Project
Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | x | Member Name | |||||
x | Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair | x | Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair | x | Jim Kretz CBCC Co-Chair | . | Ken Salyards | ||||
. | Kathleen Connor Security Co-Chair | . | Mike Davis | x | John Moehrke Security Co-Chair | x | Diana Proud-Madruga SOA Co-Chair | ||||
x | Mohammed Jafari | x | Rick Grow | . | Harry Rhodes | . | Lori Simon | ||||
Serafina Versaggi | . | Ioana Singureanu | . | Neelima Chennamaraja | Glen Marshall | ||||||
Rob Horn | x | Ken Sinn | . | Patrick Loyd | . | Steve Eichner | |||||
x | David Pyke | . | Beth Pumo | . | M'Lynda Owens | , | Lee Wise | ||||
. | Oliver Lawless | . | Lisa Nelson | . | Gary Dickinson | . | Mike Lardiere | ||||
William Kinsley | Russell McDonell | Susan Litton | David Bergman | ||||||||
. | Duane DeCouteau | . | David Staggs | . | Debbie Bucci | . | Paul Knapp | ||||
Keith Boone | Lori McNeil Tolley | x | Chris Shawn |
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Agenda, Approve Meeting Minutes
- (10 min) Negation Requirements (in clinical documentation) - Serafina
- (05 min) CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1 (PID 553) Publication update
- (05 min) CrossParadigm Behavioral Health Data Exchange IG: Project 800) - update (Ioana)
- (05 min) Standards Privacy Impact Assessment (SPIA) Cookbook - update (Rick)
- (15 min) PASS Audit Service Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
- (05 min) PASS Access Control Services Conceptual Model - (Standing agenda item) update (Diana)
- (05 min) FHIR Consent - John
- Consent model has moved to the FHIR threaded discussion: (Zulip account needed)
- September 2016 CBCC Working Group Meeting - Baltimore, Maryland, September 18-24, 2016 DRAFT AGENDA
Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Meeting chaired by Suzanne
'Meeting minutes for
- August 02, 2016 CBCC Conference Call
- Abstentions: none ; Objections: none ; Approval: 9
Negation Requirements Jay Lyle is leading a Negation Requirements (in clinical documentation) group. The project is requesting the following information from each (or at least most) of the HL7 work groups. I am reaching out to see if the CBCC and Security WGs have particular requirements (that may be missing) related to "Negation".
See: and section Project Documents for details.
The Negation meeting will meet every other week starting tomorrow, Wednesday 8/10 at 11 ET. Agenda at Use Web meeting, not HL7 line Dial +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 438-715-693
Project Scope:
Provide a set of classified requirements for the representation of negated clinical data, which standards developers can use to confirm coverage of requirements, demonstrate recommended patterns, and identify out-of-specification patterns.
The WG request
- The Negation project team is trying to provide consistent guidelines for representing concepts typically described as "negation" (finding absent, procedure not done, etc.).
- We have begun by assembling a catalog of statements that seem to use negation. Our goal is to collect as many as possible and then classify them in order to derive a finite set of negation patterns. These patterns can be used for two things: to inform some best practice guidance on representing negated statements, and to provide design teams with a way to test their formalisms against a catalog of potential requirements.
- We would very much like for the <WG name> workgroup to review our list of requirements.
- We are asking domain expert groups for either confirmation that our list addresses all of the real world negation requirements you would expect a design formalism to support or, if it doesn't, additional requirements.
- We are asking design groups for input on how such a list can be made more useful to a design team, either by confirming that the semantic pattern and design mapping approaches look useful or, if they don't, suggestions for improvement.
- Further information about the scope of the project is available on the wiki; we also would be happy to attend a call to answer any questions.
- Would CBCC & Security WGs be able to appoint a representative to conduct such a review and provide feedback to our team?
- The project wiki is at
Serafina plans to attend next Tuesday's CBCC & Security (Aug 8) to answer any questions I'm able to answer. But the project request is to get your feedback by the end of August in order to best prepare for discussions that will take place at the upcoming September WGM.
- this is part of a sub-work group of Vocabulary (termInfo) a spin out of TermInfo
- trying to see the patterns to move forward with recommendation
- please send feedback to Jay Lyle if there is any interest/comments/feedback by end of August for discussion at September WGM (plan is to ballot in January)
- a requirements gathering effort
- any issues with FHIR and negatation?
- all flavors and negation tend to create havoc with automated analysis; in BCC context the relevance here is 1. when doing public report/dealing with clinical content tends to model. you have to determine how things like negation effect logic. to a little lesser degree--a privacy impact. 2. when sharing information/not sharing--you also have to not share the ngation of the item. it sounds obvious/easy, but the negation of related topics is not as easy to know.
where we are today with null flavors and negation on how we got here if we are right and approporate. FHIR is trying to do more with positive assertions. John is not getting in too deep into this--initial reaction is there are some items that we may have to put on the table.
CDA R2 Implementation Guide: Privacy Consent Directives R1
- requested some feedback
- requeste
CrossParadigm Behavioral Health Data Exchange IG -
- ballot comment implemented
- requested some reasonable feedback on values/high, normal
- examples are on gForge site; hoping that implementers will view gforge for
- initiated tracker would like to capture feedback; suggesetions for guidance and feedback
- deadline to sign up for ballot polls is on Thursday!
Standards Privacy Impact Assessment (SPIA) cookbook - Rick
- final submission for ballot; voting to being soon
- voting runs to September 11
PASS Audit
- meeting last Wednesday
- continuting to update the old document based on comments received (original ballot) for baseline document
PASS Access Control
- Bernd has withdrawn his negatives,
- creating a clean copy, proceeding with publication
FHIR Consent FHIR consent meetings will be placed on hold until after ballot review.
- CBCC call is on hold (Wednesday); send out formal postment of calls
- Security (Tuesday afternoon) are still on; reviewing ballot
CBCC WGM - Baltimore: New Agenda Items