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April 21th 2009 CBCC Conference Call
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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
- Ioana Singureanu Scribe
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb - CBCC Co-chair
- Richard Thoreson
- Rob McClure
- Pat Pyette
- Tony Weida
- Steve Connoly
- John Moehrke
- Russ Hamm
- Milan Petkovic
- Don Jorgenson
- (5 min) Roll Call
- (5 min) 'Minutes approval: April 14th 2009 CBCC Conference Call and April 7th 2009 CBCC Conference Call: 10-0-1
- (15 min) Follow-up from last week - Balloting Composite Privacy Consent as a normative or DSTU standard
- 1. Develop a V3 messaging specification (PubDB, R-MIM designer) - R-MIM Designer is slated for obsolescence. A lot of work would be required, resulting specification is not very accessible to new implementers in the US. However the revisions made in this version may be useful in Canada. Would Canada be interested in publishing the V3 message topic? (Pat Pyette).
Update: Pat's unofficial understanding is that if Canada is interested in V3 messages, they will take their current proposed approach (not CPDC V2), along with the "Draft for Comment" specification, adapt it, then feed back the Canadian standing back into HL7. A project is being discussed but no decisions have been made.
- 2. Propose that Composite Privacy Consent Directive (CPCD) become a pilot SAEAF-conformant project - demonstrating how we design service-aware standards. Pending approval from the Enterprise Application Implementation Planning EA IP project. Contact Marc Koehn - project lead for EAIP - and propose our standard. EAIP is looking for candidate service-aware pilot projects. Since the SAEAF is not completed, there is some uncertainty regarding the timeline. How does a project sign up to be a SAEAF pilot, what are the criteria? If a project is approved as a SAEAF pilot, what the is earliest we could publish our specification as a DSTU?
- 3. Work with SOA WG and add to the existing PASS Audit and PASS Access Control two new service functional specifications: PASS Privacy Policy Mgmt/Lookup, PASS Consent Directive Mgmt/Lookup. In addition to the service functional specifications we could also issue an OMG RFC (request for comment) for our technical service specification (including XSDs, etc.). Ask Gila Pyke, Ken Rubin, and Galen Mulrooney how we could ballot a service functional spec in HL7 in July and in OMG.
Update:During the ArB meeting, PASS project proposed a comprehensive privacy/security standard as a Pilot SAEAF-conformant alpha standard. A service functional model satisfies only a subset of the artifact stack proposed by SAEAF. This project would include the information model and the detail service/interfaces/operations for privacy policy and consent directive management. One requirement would be for us to map out how the current analysis and design and map them to the SAEAF artifacts.
- (10 min) What's in the ballot - April 23rd deadline, etc.