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20180109 US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes


Date: 2018-01-09
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Brett Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
x Calvin Beebe Keith Boone Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable Johnathan Coleman Ed Hammond
Tony Julian Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler
x Brett Marquard Ken McCaslin Nancy Orvis
Brian Pech x Wayne Kubick Christol Green
Sandra Stuart . Pat Van Dyke . Craig Parker
Danielle Friend x Eric Haas x Jenni Syed
x Steve Posnak . David Susanto x John Roberts
Visitor/ Name
x John Loonsk x Jason Bonander
Quorum: Chair + 7




  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20171205_US_Realm_SC_Call
    • Approved via general consent
  • Review items
    • Bidirectional Social Services Referrals (BSSR) PSS
      • John Loonsk and Jason Bonander here to present the project. Group reviews. Lorraine asks if they plan to engage a cosponsor. John reports they plan to, probably from clinical care. Involves exchange of information between clinical care EHRs and social services systems. Reviewed schedule; Austin notes that the May ballot schedule is very short and they should take that into consideration. Will need to go to FHIR Management Group as well.
      • MOTION to approve: Eric/Calvin
      • VOTE: All in favor (8/0/0)
  • Discussion:
    • Reappointment of Brett Marquard
      • MOTION to recommend reappointment of Brett as chair to TSC: Wayne/Lorraine
      • VOTE: All in favor
    • New Orleans Agenda
      • Brett suggests that we meet Tuesday or Wednesday Q0. Decision to meet Wednesday Q0. In terms of agenda, we'll review any new PSS submissions and any other topics that arise.
  • Adjourned at 1:28 pm Eastern time

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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