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2017-12-08 CDAMG Conference Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes


Date: 2017-12-08
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Facilitator Brett Marquard Note taker(s) Lisa Nelson
Attendee Name

X George Dixon
X Jean Duteau
X Rick Geimer
Kai Heitmann
X Brett Marquard
X Linda Michaelsen
X Dale Nelson
X Lisa Nelson
Andrew Statler
Quorum: Chair +3

Agenda (with Integrated Minutes)

  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-11-17_CDAMG_Conference_Call
  • Review Prior Action Items
    • Decide what to do with the findings from reviewing the SDWG SWOT to see where identified issues overlap with the charter of this new CMG group
      • Proposed Action: Host joint meeting with SDWG to review SWOT.
      • Agreed to do this with SDWG at the F2F and in the same time slot as SDWG usually holds this discussion.
    • Lisa will reach out to Andy in EST regarding previous registry work.
      • No existing HL7 registry for CDA Templates.
      • Discuss possibly using existing tools with Rick/Kai
        • (Rick) Could HL7 put out an RFP for doing this work? This group could define the requirements
        • (Austin) Wayne Kubic should be engaged to discuss this
        • (Dale) Not sure what "the Registry" is - This task needs more definition
        • (Brett) Could we have more discussion on the requirements, Start list of potential WG Topics - add this one.
    • Need to ask Lynn about how to determine the dates on when the CDA R2 standard needs to be Re-issues
    • Ask Lynn about the deprecation of CDA R1.0
      • (Lisa) Discuss this at the WG and cover the envisioned "superceeding" of CDA R2.0 with CDA R2.1 - this is just a natural progression
      • (Austin) this is a natural progression as far as ANSI is concerned
    • Ask Lynn if the CDA Implementation Guides correspond back to the Project in Project Insite? Is there a way to include this linkage in the future.
    • Discussed the need to come up with a common way to document all the sub-documents (policy, process, procedure)
      • Examples: CDA Quality (wiki) page, Extensions process is a a PDF and pointed to the wiki, etc.
      • (Rick) Create a rosetta stone wiki page
      • (Rick) Would editting a wiki page be a problem? If going to Confluence, then staying with Google-doc til then would be ok...
      • (Lisa) Would prefer to do the wiki now
      • (Group) All agreed that will be the plan
    • Brett and Lisa will attempt to organize the CMG CDA Asset List to make it a more manageable task to complete the inventory and to make it possible to share the work of inventorying all the assets.
      • Review CDA project google sheet
        • Identify data to collect
        • Identify work group liaisons - Done
        • Action: Brett and Lisa will add columns for the additional information to collect during the WG meetings
      • Review Value Set Sheet - posted as excel
      • Review CDA Asset list
      • Discuss next steps
  • Discussion Topics
    • Cancel 12/22 and 12/29 (Rick/George) 0-0-unanimous
    • Schedule time for CMG to meet at NOLA WG
      • This is scheduled for Monday Q4
    • (Austin) Is this group ready to start doing PSS Review (Projects related to CDA)?
      • (George) How would we educate people that this is coming.
      • (Rick) How do you handle the review? (Austin) routing can be simultaneous.
      • (Brett) Should it be discussed at the WG? We need to figure out our process for approving PSSs - discuss at WG
        • (Brett/George/Jean/Lisa) Agree there is an opportunity to create a check list of what we will do and how
      • (Jean) This makes more sense for the PSS to come to CMG, not SDWG for Project Review. SDWG could still sponsor or co-sponsor a CDA-related PSS, but all CDA-related PSSs would require approval through CMG.
      • (Lisa) Austin should be able to announce this at the NOLA WG Meeting
  • Parking Lot

Summary of Votes/Key Decisions
  • Austin will begin the discussion at NOLA WG Meeting about CMG replacing SDWG as reviewer of all CDA Related PSSs
  • No CMG Meeting on 12/22 or 12/29
  • F2F CMG Meeting during NOLA WG Meeting on Monday Q4 (1/29/18)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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