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2017-10-20 CDAMG Conference Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes

Location: TBD

Date: 2017-10-20
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Facilitator TBD Note taker(s) TBD
Attendee Name

x George Dixon
x Jean Duteau
Rick Geimer
Kai Heitmann
x Brett Marquard
x Dale Nelson
x Lisa Nelson
x Mary Kay McDaniel
x Linda Michaelsen
Quorum: TBD


  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-10-13_CDAMG_Call
  • Action Items
    • MK to ask Lynn to print out product listing from website, using the filters on the database. Need all the elements/filter fields from the web.
    • MK to check - Published artifacts and the 2nd is CDA related projects, see Dave Hamill
  • Discussion Topics


  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-10-13_CDAMG_Call
    • Minutes accepted via general consent
  • Action Items
    • MK to ask Lynn to print out product listing from website, using the filters on the database. Need all the elements/filter fields from the web.
      • Add to next week
    • MK to check - Published artifacts and the 2nd is CDA related projects, see Dave Hamill
      • Add to next week
  • Discussion Topics
    • DMP (reviewing SGB DMP and generic DMP
      • Reviewed SGB DMP and M&C. Discussion over why voting status of members is in the M&C rather than the DMP.
      • Discussed quorum for this group. Brett proposes chair +3? Group agrees to propose that as the plan.
      • ACTION: Brett asks group to review the SGB DMP, M&C, Term limits, risk assessment for next week
    • Buckets outline from Brett/Lisa
      • Group reviews document. Lisa asks where we put planning for working across the domain WGs? Brett adds "Communication Plan" - Cross WG communication. Mary Kay suggests that, as a management group, they'll want to figure out how to share updates at the WGM. Brett adds bullets to reflect.
      • Term limits: other groups have done half at 1 year and half at 2 years upon startup. Those on the call chose their limits and others were assigned. Discussion over reappointment process - goes to TSC for approval.
      • Group will review and vote on publication requests.
      • Meeting times will be weekly for the time being.
      • WGM: Need to figure out best time to meet. Brett suggests Q0 on Tuesday, but others think we should have a quarter. Connectathon is all day Sunday now. MK suggests Monday Q3 or Q4. Decision to use Monday Q4 in New Orleans. Will conflict with payer summit in 2018.
      • Selecting chairs: Will do so on 2017-11-10. Lisa and Brett currently serving as interim
      • Risk management
        • ACTION: Anne to pull out TRAC excel risk spreadsheet
        • ACTION: Brett to dig up SDWG/FHIR SWOT

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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