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2017-10-13 CDAMG Call

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HL7 CDAMG Minutes

Location: TBD

Date: 2017-10-13
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Facilitator TBD Note taker(s) TBD
Attendee Name

x George Dixon
x Jean Duteau
x Rick Geimer
x Kai Heitmann
x Brett Marquard
x Dale Nelson
x Austin Kreisler
x Mary Kay McDaniel
x Lisa Nelson
x Paul Knapp
Tony Julian
Quorum: TBD


  • Agenda review
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-09-14_CDAMG_WGM
  • Action Items
    • Develop DMP; perhaps use SGB’s as a template
      • Elect co-chairs?
    • Develop an inventory of products in the product family
    • Develop list of product family risks
    • Develop quality plan/criteria
    • Anne to update CDAMG wiki page with link to most recent Mission and Charter from May that was approved by TSC
    • Anne to post powerpoint presentation
      • Presentation available here
  • Discussion Topics


  • Agenda review
    • Austin notes that two more potential members will be invited - Linda Michaelsen and Andrew Statler
      • Anne to invite to upcoming calls
  • Introductions
    • Group introduces themselves
  • Approve Minutes of 2017-09-14_CDAMG_WGM
  • Action Items
    • Develop DMP; perhaps use SGB’s as a template
      • Elect co-chairs?
        • Will need two co-chairs
    • Develop an inventory of products in the product family
    • Develop list of product family risks
    • Develop quality plan/criteria
    • Anne to update CDAMG wiki page with link to most recent Mission and Charter from May that was approved by TSC
    • Anne to post powerpoint presentation
      • Presentation available here
  • Discussion Topics
    • Austin describes activities listed in the action items that need to be completed and the things that fall under the purview of the CDAMG. Risks will be central to fleshing out a quality plan.
    • Dale: When we develop risks, and the title of this group is the management group - the product is CDA. What is the role of Structured Documents as a group contrasted to this group? Austin: Structured Docs did an update to M&C noting that they're taking over CDA methodology. In the past they governed, managed, and developed methodology around CDA. This whole exercise is one of separation of concerns into three different areas: Governance through SGB, management through CDAMG, and methodology through Structured Docs.
    • Brett asks for examples we can model ourselves after. Austin notes the list of resources that FMG maintains as one example - could be as simple as a spreadsheet of the things you're managing. May go out to website and look at the product lists and find the things that are CDA-related and should be under your auspices. Eventually will be approving project scope statements for new or existing work. **Kai: We need to think about who is really responsible and capable of doing such things as developing domain-specific templates. Rick: We need to gather a list of all resources and tools across all realms and figure out who the stakeholders are and their capabilities.
    • Lisa: Would vocabulary as a WG also be transitioning into a methodology role? Austin: They are already in a methodology role.
    • Goal of management group is to increase the quality of the products that we put out. Need to look at processes and actions that need to occur in our family to produce quality goods.
    • Austin: Gateway to Projects, Recommending or not recommending whether a product should be published
    • Paul: Increase the quality of the product and consistency of products AND increase the quality of the relationships/processes across WGs
    • Austin: another opportunity, publication of products - how/when/what
    • Rick: in the past issues with tooling around publication.
    • Austin: need input with publishing - work with them to improve the processes.
      • ACTION: MK Ask Lynn to print out product listing from website, using the filters on the database. Need all the elements/filter fields from the web.
      • ACTION: MK check - Published artifacts and the 2nd is CDA related projects, see Dave Hamill
    • Rick asked/Paul/Austin replied: Cannot be a cochair in more than one - MGMT, GOV, or METH group
  • Next Steps:
    • Chair positions: Lisa and Brett interested in being co-chairs for this group
      • MOTION: Kai, like to propose Lisa (not currently a co-chair) and Brett (currently a co-chair) as interim co-chairs until the rest of the committee is assigned. Motion to vote on interim co-chair until the rest are here and vote for permanent co-chairs.
      • 2nd - Rick G.
      • Approved. 7-0-0
  • Motion to adjourn…

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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