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2017-06-28PC DrugAllergySubstance Call Minutes

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Minutes Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Negation Requirements Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone

Date: 2017-06-28
Time: 9:00-10:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

y Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
y Froukje Harkes-Idzinga Nictiz
y Donna Bohannon USP
y Steve Emrick USP
y Andrzej Wilk USP
Susan Loucks
temp Larry McKnight Cerner
Michael Tan Nictiz


Agenda Topics

  1. Partner coordination
  2. IDMP questions
  3. Open questions
  4. Ballot outline


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. USP & Partners
    1. Mutual orientation
      1. Jay presented the HL7 project slide deck
      2. Donna described the USP project to develop an allergy intolerance data set
        1. common and rare events
        2. drugs - rxnorm. manifestation - SCT.
        3. align with CCDA
        4. acquired VA & DoD data; compared w Dr. Zhou, Partners
          1. ~314 VA/DoD: 80% of reactions
        5. initial set: 4 groups: cardiovascular incl statins, nsaids, opioids, antibiotics
        6. not just documented reactions; also index drug (allergen) map to manifestation
        7. also map to other drugs (challenge drugs - cross reactive)
        8. also criticality, severity, predictability
        9. ingredient level
    2. USP team will assist by reviewing the HL7 ballot & making suggestions for enhancing value; e.g., criticality etc.
    3. Froukje reports the development of a Netherlands 'guideline': what a provider needs to know - criticality, severity, predictability
      1. sounds similar
      2. ready now; approved pharm assoc & GPs & specialists
      3. She has mentioned it before; will find a reference or presentation; Jay to link on wiki
    4. Question: value set properties.
      1. There is no standard way to publish these.
        1. plan: publish in VSAC anyway
        2. also publish in a richer format (proportion, criticality, etc.)
    5. USP also working on a drug classification: originally intended for formulary development, but extended
      1. HL7 may wish to comment. Our requirement is 'cross-reactive' groups.
      2. Why this has not been done: presumably liability. We don't think this is an obstacle for an information standard.

  1. IDMP questions
    1. Jay showed how to navigate to IDMP presentation
    2. and tried to clarify reaction substance vs. risk class
    3. Open questions around stewardship, scope, roadmap
      1. E.g., does G-SRS intend to use UNII forever (mapped? by whom?) or to create a new set of Global identifiers?
    4. Froukje found another asset:
  2. Open questions
    1. On wiki. Anyone with interest or expertise please review.
  3. Ballot outline now on wiki.

Meeting Outcomes

  • Please review questions
  • Please review ballot outline

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • Review draft list
  • Review draft ballot

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