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2016 02 10 Minutes - CQF Data Model Call

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  • Ashley Swain (ESAC)
  • Bryn Rhodes (Database Consulting)
  • Claude Nanjo (Cognitive)
  • Darrell Woelk (Social Care)
  • Deidre Sacra (McKesson)
  • Emory Fry (Cognitive)
  • Floyd Eisenberg (iParsimony)
  • Jay Lyle (JP Systems)
  • Jeff Kilpatrick (McKesson)
  • Julia Skapik (ONC)
  • Khadija Mohamed (ESAC)
  • Linda Michaelsen (Optum)
  • Marc Hadley (Mitre)
  • Mike Sterly (Munson Healthcare)
  • Richard Esmond (PenRad)
  • Rob McClure (MD Partners)
  • Shirin Haider (Gevity Consulting)


  • Discuss Modeling Initiatives with respect to demonstration at HL7 WGM in Montreal (May 2016).

Demonstration options for HL7 WGM in Montreal:

  • Emory Fry and Claude Nanjo proposed using a neonatology scenario, specifically breast-feeding (rather than the hyperbilirubinemia scenario previously suggested).
    • An existing Meaningful Use Eligible Hospital Measure addresses exclusive breast feeding for healthy newborns (EH_CMS9v4_NQF0480_BF_ExclusiveBreastFeed). To download eCQMs for eReporting for the 2016 Reporting Period, use this link [[1]]
    • The measure includes observations and procedures that can be modeled and used within clinical decision support workflows
  • Emory referred to a slide deck to explain the rationale [Slides]
  • Floyd displayed the measure for context

Next Steps

  • Contact the measure developer regarding interest in remodeling the measure for the Connectathon using CQL and the new CIMI models
  • Coordination with developing archetypes - FHIM calls, Fridays 2:30 - 4 PM ET
  • Coordination with CIMI modeling calls - Thursdays, 2 - 4:30 PM ET
  • Continue coordination efforts on this call (Wednesdays 1-2 PM ET)