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2016-12-14PC DrugAllergySubstance Call Minutes

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Minutes Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Negation Requirements Meeting Minutes

Location: Phone

Date: 2016-12-14
Time: 9:00-10:00 ET
Facilitator Jay Lyle Note taker(s) Jay Lyle
Attendee Name Affiliation

y Jay Lyle JP Systems / VA
y Froukje Harkes-Idzinga Nictiz
y Rob McClure Cerner
y Rob Hausam Versaggi Consulting
Larry Callahan FDA
Susan Loucks
Larry McKnight Cerner
Michael Tan Nictiz


Agenda Topics

  1. SRS clarification
  2. Plan


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Clarification of IDMP, G-SRS, SRS, GInAS & UNII

  • IDMP is an ISO standard for modeling substance data
  • UNIIs are codes assigned to substances by FDA SRS system
  • G-SRS is an international effort to share substance data, using, it seems, IDMP structure & UNII codes (also mapping to other codes, esp. CAS). See Minutes noting EMA committment to using GInAS software.
  • Boundaries still not entirely clear--i.e., whether GInAS exposes one repository or many, how many deployments may exist and when, whether UNII is root identifier.
  • UNIIs are a flat list of specific concepts. Some concepts may be broad (e.g., cat hair) but morphine is only present in specific substances e.g., morphine sulfate. FDA reports UNII can support hierarchy, but we have not seen evidence at this point.
  • Question: Can GSRS support queries for mapping? Current GInAS site is a demo.


  1. Split DoD list into string + frequency & string + maps
  2. Filter for drugs
  3. Add strings from second list to Frequency table
  4. Add strings from second list not found to Map table
  5. Repeat for all lists
  6. Generate list of unmapped strings ranked by frequency
  7. map with RxMix, MMS, Elaine's tool
  8. request assistance from industry
  9. Manually map residue; perform multiple match on sample

  • Jay to complete step 6 & distribute lists of unmapped strings to auto mapping resources by 12/21
  • Should we ask for help from a commerical entity? Rob M to ask; Jay to ask after Rob gets an answer.
  • After auto map, we will arrange for manual mapping of the residue, with quality plan, if numbers justify it
  • How to set up UMLS MetaMorphosys? Brian Carlson West coast informatics - web umls tool, may have mms instructions

Meeting Outcomes


Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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