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2015 12 02 Minutes - CQF Data Model Call
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CQF Data Model Call Notes
- Wednesday December 2, 2015
- 1-2 PM ET
- +1 770-657-9270 Passcode: 217663
- URL:
- Ashley McCrae
- Bill Kleinebecker
- Bryn Rhodes
- Chris Markle
- Claude Nanjo
- Diedre Sacra
- Floyd Eisenberg
- Jason Matthews
- Ken Kawamoto
- Mark Kramer
- Tom Oniki
- Yan Heras
- Update to FHIR Quality (QI Core) with Logical View - Bryn submitted the Project Scope Statement to Dave Hamill and the FHIR Management Group to move forward with the planned update. There is no further information available at this time.
- Data Model
- The goal of the near term project is to develop a tool by January to allow clinicians to build archetypes in an intuitive and friendly manner – for common ADL patterns without having to know ADL.
- Generate a parser for a simple profile to see how ADL and FHIR profiles align
- Graham Grieve is doing something similar – working with Keith working on QVT (Query, View, Transfer – an OMG model). Use an artifact separate from the model. The crux of the matter is how to express QVT – perhaps OCL. The mapping expression language may be the implementation of the QVT.
- Use the prototype to express and simple clinical aspect, systolic blood pressure
- Converting an archetype to a FHIR profile
- Bryn is working on an xsd. converter as well.
- The group also discussed:
- Work in progress in the Veterans Administration using LEGOs
- Management of very general concepts (e.g., "observations") and more precise profile definitions of data for CDS and quality measures.
- CIMI models should represent clinical knowledge and not patient-specific, institution or implementation specific. The models should be generic – e.g., a blood pressure.
- Is CIMI reference model expressive enough for CQF needs - meta layer?
- What are the archetypes that we need to develop for CQF?
- How should we treat definitional artifacts such as documentation templates, order sets, ECA (event/condition/action) rules?
- The goal of the near term project is to develop a tool by January to allow clinicians to build archetypes in an intuitive and friendly manner – for common ADL patterns without having to know ADL.
Next Steps:
- Claude will follow up with Graham Grieve and also Robert Lario to discuss their efforts.
- The plan continues to have a prototype authoring tool for January.
- Tom will set up a follow up meeting with Patrick
- The next meeting is Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 1 PM ET. Communication will occur via email until that time.