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20150318 PLA call

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HL7 PLA Call Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 985371,

Date: 2015-03-18
Time: 2PM
Facilitator Mary Kay/ Austin Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee Name

Calvin Beebe
Lorraine Constable
Bo Dagnall
Jean Duteau,
Rick Haddorff
x Tony Julian
Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
Lynn Laakso
x Cecil Lynch x Mary Kay McDaniel
x Brian Pech
John Quinn
x John Roberts
x Andy Stechishin
Freida Hall, visitor
no quorum definition


Agenda review

  • Notes of 20150311_PLA_call review
  • "Final" review of the Governance Board Mission & Charter Draft for TSC approval
  • notional division of products into product families and lines, to provide examples for peer review.
    • Level of granularity
    • Identify which pieces are orphaned, and the political elements to be surfaced.
    • Positioning cross-product family artifacts (standards naming)
  • BAM-lite feedback and review
    • Governance on V2.x (v2.9 substantive changes)
    • develop form to request establishing a Product Family


  • Convened at 2:10 pm Eastern
  • Freida here to review Mission and Charter and discuss harmonizing with the GOM. This will go to the TSC for approval. Freida suggests that perhaps this should be part of the GOM, as an idea, since it’s not a typical WG. Went through markups from Freida and made adjustments after clarifications. Discussion over term lengths and structure. Freida notes that the board will need a DMP. Concern over having too many allocated slots for voting members. Austin has concerns about influence from management; this is a governance board, not a management board. Need people who have awareness of issues but are not representative of the issues. Discussion regarding FGB and its future in terms of this group’s formation. Paul suggests Tony attend the TSC call or May WG meeting to discuss. Edits made to address each of the concerns. Adjusted to a total of 9 voting members. Group agrees the document is in the form that could be presented to TSC. Mary Kay will send out the document the group for final review with edits due by Friday for potential TSC review on Monday or the following Monday.
  • Adjourned

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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