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2015-10-08 USRSC WGM Agenda

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: Atlanta 3

Date: 2015-10-08
Time: 12:30 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee / Name
x Calvin Beebe x Keith Boone Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable Regrets Johnathan Coleman regrets Ed Hammond
x Tony Julian x Paul Knapp Austin Kreisler
x Ken McCaslin Brian Pech xx John Quinn
Mark Roche Sandra Stuart Pat Van Dyke
Anne Wizauer x Lynn Laakso .
Visitor / Name
regrets Jay Lyle Michelle Williamson Nancy Orvis, Hetty Khan, Mead Walker, Craig Gabron, Durwin Day, Virginia Lorenzi
no quorum definition


  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20150929_US_Realm_SC_Call
  • Approval Items:
    • Approve new members of the US Realm Steering Committee: Nancy Orvis as DOD representative, Brett Marquard as Vice Chair, Mark Roche as an ONC representative
    • Project Approval Request from the Attachments WG of the DESD for HL7 Attachments Supplemental Guide for the Exchange of C-CDA Based Documents -- Implementation Guide DSTU Release 1 at Tracker 8820
    • Project Approval Request from the CIC WG of the DESD for Trauma Registry Data Submission CDA R2 at Tracker 8821
      • Jay offers regrets and hopes the USRSC can address on Tuesday's meeting 2015-10-13.
  • Action Items
    • Keith to send CDS WG PSS to Anne for inclusion on FMG and US Realm agendas
    • All: submit Atlanta agenda items to Anne
  • Discussion Items:
    • Extending DSTUs cited in US regulation
      • Maintenance concerns
      • What happens when the DSTU has been superseded?


 *Agenda review – Michelle adds a PSS for Vital Records Death Report , Tony a PSS for next round of FHIR DAF
  • Review notes from 20150929_US_Realm_SC_Call Ken moves approval, Lorraine seconds. Unanimously approved
  • Approval Items:
    • Approve new members of the US Realm Steering Committee: Nancy Orvis as DOD representative, Brett Marquard as Vice Chair, Mark Roche as an ONC representative
      • Ken moves we appoint Brett Marquard to the committee and as vice-chair. Lorraine seconds. When charter was structured is it chair/vice-chair or cochairs. Amendment that Brett would be appointed and be either vice-chair or cochair as defined in M&C. Motion passes unanimously.
      • Ken moves we appoint Nancy Orvis as DOD rep and Mark Roche as ONC Representative and members of USRSC with review needed on the roles and voting rights for preponderance of interest. Calvin seconds and asks how many government department appointee/representatives will be surfacing? Lorraine notes that it is whatever is needed at the time. Questions surfaced on the voting rights on the representative memberships. Motion passed unanimously.
    • Project Approval Request from the Attachments WG of the DESD for HL7 Attachments Supplemental Guide for the Exchange of C-CDA Based Documents -- Implementation Guide DSTU Release 1 at Tracker 8820
      • They will develop the supplemental guide IG to have conformance statements for adoption under HIPAA. Discussion ensued about the context of the constraints with document conformance statements versus content requirements for a document.. Under HIPAA the document must have conformance testability. Constraints on the vocabulary used in a document is not requiring SDWG cosponsorship. Resolution to tentatively add SDWG. Calvin moves approval with caveat for review by SDWG and with allowance that the title of the project may be clarified without additional review by US Realm. Lorraine seconds; approved unanimously.
        • Keith and Paul arrive
    • Vital Records Death Reporting DSTU R2 for PHER has a slight change of scope from R1 (and R1.1) notes Michelle. Planning on balloting in January. Calvin moves and Ken seconds approval. Unanimously approved.
    • Tony addresses the FHIR DAF profile PSS to amend the scope beyond that which was passed with DSTU2. Paul asks if specific changes to underlying resources have been identified or if this is a backstopping proposal. He moves approval of the PSS with Calvin seconding. Paul further illuminates that they approve the project as the exploratory mechanism to identify changes but not pre-approval of the changes themselves. When the TSC approves a project it is not an explicit approval for whatever document they produce to go to ballot. The approval of a ballot item may require additional approval of the content by the sponsoring committee as well as represent a significant effort in person-hours for publishing that may override the scheduling of the next ballot cycle. Motion passes 6/0/1 with Lorraine abstaining.
  • Action Items
    • Keith to send CDS WG PSS to Anne for inclusion on FMG and US Realm agendas – Guideline-appropriate ordering was approved in CDS and has gone to FMG. It is actually a universal realm ballot but addresses issues of concern in the U.S.
    • Keith says the “Relevant and Pertinent” project is ready to come back. See Keith for details.
  • Discussion Items:
    • Extending DSTUs cited in US regulation – Ken wants to change some of the DSTU timing. He is hearing that organizations take two years to develop implementations for trial use and so many are requesting extensions. We also need to articulate which DSTUs have been superceded. Need to review how standards are positioned on the standards page. He would like to see a clear path for all standards to drill into it at the most recent version and move through them in a similar fashion.
      • Calvin notes that review of the original intent of the DSTU should be done and look at whether it is accomplishing what we wished to do in accelerating standards to normative.
      • Discussion ensued. Ken suggests whatever proposal comes forth should be piloted before going into the GOM. Some DSTUs wished to be superceded and some require that old versions remain available.

Adjourned 1:43 PM Lorraine/Keith.

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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