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2015-09-23 HSI CALL

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Home Healthcare Standards Integration (HSI)

Meeting Information

HL7 HSI Meeting Minutes

Location: Webex 925 644 875

Date: 2015-09-23
Time: 12:00 pm PDT
Facilitator John Donnelly Note taker(s) John Donnelly
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Keith Boone GE
Hans Buitendijk Cerner
Chris Carr RSNA
Todd Cooper C4MI
X John Donnelly Intepro Solutions
Laura Herrmann-Langford Intermountain
Emma Jones Allscripts
Elliott Lavy QuadraMed
Alex Lippitt HIMSS
Mary Kay McDaniel Cognosante
Chris Melo Philips
Riki Merrick Vernetzt
X David Pyke Ready Computing
Scott Robertson KP
Elliot Silver McKesson
X Bill Kleinebecker
Quorum Requirements Met: TBD


Agenda Topics

  1. Welcome, attendance, agenda review
  2. Minutes Approval 2015-09-09 HSI CALL
  3. Finalize Agenda for Fall WGM (Atlanta)
    1. HSI Meeting Agenda (Thursday afternoon)
    2. HL7 WG Engagement
  4. Issues Tracker Spreadsheet Review
  5. Additional Business

Supporting Documents

  1. HSI Issues Tracker spreadsheet


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

1 Agenda Review

  • Agenda reviewed and approved without modification

2 Minutes Approval 2015-09-09 Call

  • Minutes reviewed and approved as distributed (David moved / Keith seconded; approved unanimously 3-0-0)

3 Finalize Agenda for Fall WGM (Atlanta)

  • HSI Meeting Agenda
  • Thurs Q3
  • Review tracker for content integrity and identifying WG follow-up for clean-up of tracker rows
  • Presentation from and discussion with SDC team re IHE SDC profile and FHIR DSTU collaboration (request added subsequent to the HSI call on 9/23)
  • Thurs Q4
  • Continue (Finalize?) Process Discussion
  • Review Work group Health items
  • HL7 WG Engagement
  • Reviewed the HSI Tracker document to identify target WG's for potential engagement
  • ID 15005 - MHD
  • Structured Documents WG; session Tues Q4
  • Potential changes from the FHIR DSTU-2 to be correlated
  • ACTION- HSI co-chair to reach out to MHD owners to determine interest
  • ID 15006 & 15007 - PDQm & PIXm
  • Patient Admin WG; session Tues Q1
  • Potential participation to increase awareness of HSI WG
  • ID 15004 & 15009 - IUA & ATNA
  • Restful HTTP adaption to these profiles
  • John Moehrke is primary contact on both the IHE and HL7 sides of this issue.
  • HSI co-chair to reach out to John M to see if he wants to have HSI represented with any of the relevant WG's noted on this issue row.
  • ID 15010: RECON (on FHIR)
  • Keith suggested that the IHE partner contact in the Issue Tracker be revised to George Cole. Done.
  • Elaine Ayres(sp?) was identified as the person in Patient Care WG for this topic.
  • Potential participation in Patient Care WG session on Wed Q3
  • ACTION- HSI co-chair to reach out to George Cole to determine interest
  • ID 15014 (prev 15022) - GAO
  • Keith to complete the PSS ahead of the Atlanta WGM.
  • Keith will determine if HSI participation is warranted with the CDS WG and/or Imaging WG at the Atlanta WGM
  • ID 15012 - DAF
  • Potential participation in one of the Infrastructure and Messaging sessions on Mon Q3 & Q4
  • ACTION- HSI co-chair to reach out to QRPH co-chairs to determine if there is any need for HL7 collaboration discussions at the WGM
  • ID 15020 - IHE & S&I LAB harmonization
  • Lab WG sessions planned for Thurs Q3 & Q4 and Friday Q1
  • ACTION- Riki Merrick to provide feedback as to required HSI participation, potential co-hosting of session on Thurs, with Lab WG

Meeting Outcomes


NOTE: See details in above minutes...

  • Minutes approved
  • Preparation of the HL7 PSS for balloting of the IHE GAO profile
  • Riki Merrick requested to provide feedback re HSI participation with Lab WG in Atlanta
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • See HSI Agenda for Atlanta WGM

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