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20130827 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 334-756-981

Date: 2013-08-27
Time: 8:00 AM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Ron Parker Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Chair/CTO Members Members
x Ron Parker x George (Woody) Beeler x Ewout Kramer
x John Quinn Grahame Grieve
observers/guests x Austin Kreisler
x Lynn Laakso, scribe


  • Approve minutes of 20130730 FGB concall and notes of 20130820 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • Ron to pitch the Vitality Assessment model to the FMG and talk with them about coming up with metrics - intent is to share sensibility with FMG and get their feedback but preoccupied with DSTU production right now; postpone until after ballot open, probably August 21st.
    • FGB_Resource_Contribution_policy_draft policy statements updates.
  • Ron / John to ensure the Board members have a sense of what that elevator pitch should be.
    • Forwarded Ewout's email to John to review with Board. Need to discuss 'what will happen to V2 and V3' with TSC.
  • FHIR product page:
    • Need to evaluate an entry on the banner, and entry page to FHIR page or top of FHIR page with the "what is FHIR" elevator pitch and make request to ES WG
  • FMG update -
    • FMG membership recommendations to TSC
  • Methodology update-
  • WGM agenda
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.
    1. Conformity Assessment
    2. Appeal Process / Escalation
      • What is the appeal process for resources not chosen for inclusion in the ballot?
      • What is the appeal / escalation process for Management decisions?
      • What is the appeal / escalation process for Governance decisions? Responsibilities for resources (education, conformity process, appeal process)


Convened at 8:03 AM

  • Approve minutes of 20130730 FGB concall moved by Ewout and seconded by Woody; unanimously approved. Reviewed notes of 20130820 FGB concall.
  • Action Item review:
    • Ron to pitch the Vitality Assessment model to the FMG and talk with them about coming up with metrics - intent is to share sensibility with FMG and get their feedback but preoccupied with DSTU production right now; postpone until after ballot open, probably August 21st. Ron suggests we do it at Cambridge.
    • FGB_Resource_Contribution_policy_draft policy statements updates. Need to make the updates to the wiki page and then bring to FMG. There is a related outstanding action item for Grahame.
  • Ron / John to ensure the Board members have a sense of what that elevator pitch should be. John suggests we put something together and he puts it into his CTO report to the Board.
    • Forwarded Ewout's email to John to review with Board. Need to discuss 'what will happen to V2 and V3' with TSC.
  • FHIR product page:
    • Need to evaluate an entry on the banner, and entry page to FHIR page or top of FHIR page with the "what is FHIR" elevator pitch and make request to ES WG
  • FMG update -
    • FMG membership recommendations to TSC. Paul Knapp has been circulated and he has agreed to serve, notes Austin. FMG has not voted on this yet, and there may be more nominees. FMG meets tomorrow.
  • Ron is losing support to maintain his level of participation; he is permitted to remain as chair of FGB but must step back from ArB.
  • WGM agenda: Ron would like to advance the vitality assessment, develop precepts from the risks on the FGB agenda.
    • TSC presentation should include support plans of products through the DSTU process and plan for about 15 minutes. There will be pressure to advance more quickly.
    • Who are the audiences we wish to communicate with e.g. IHE, ONC and what is our message? FGB needs to ensure these external parties are aware of and understand the governance processes around the FHIR product development. John will find out who from ONC will be in Cambridge.
    • ArB slot on Sunday should include update from FHIR connectathon, FGB, FMG.
    • Elevator pitch and policy assertion should also be reviewed at the WGM.
  • Issue of Grahame as proponent of FHIR raised discussion on concern raised regarding his role on the Governance Board. Grahame as proponent, Ewout as implementer, Woody for methodology (harmonization of reference frameworks), etc. we frame the nature of the 'hats' worn on a product line governance board. Ron refers to the presentation given to SDWG for public consumption of the approach , idea behind, etc. for product governance. Alternate candidates are not readily apparent.
    • Product director role, in governance is a participant, like a staff position responsible for coherence across product lines and coordination with marketing, education, etc. Austin has been trying to serve this role. Also must understand the capabilities/saturation/available workload of the organization. Ron suggests he might go back to ArB with a synopsis from the BAM, and lift out the elements to describe this. Austin feels in the near to mid-term new staff with HL7 is not feasible until a comfort level with the revenue stream is obtained.
  • Woody notes in discussion with CDS groups, discussion raised datatypes for CDS tools should be a proper profile against the ISO Datatypes. What is their relationship with FHIR - is the assertion that that should be true, a FGB, or methodology issue? FGB should assert the principle. Action item: review and develop assertions with conformity to ISO Datatypes. Need a statement from Lloyd and Grahame. How robust should the alignment be and the relationship between the FHIR datatypes and ISO datatypes and the CDS datatypes. Is FHIR a "proper" subset - need to find out from Grahame as he is the author of both. If FHIR represents lessons learned from ISO Datatypes what is the immutability of them. Ewout recounts example of "sample" data that has data and metadata that would not be a proper subset.
  • Ewout will be on the road next week during the call, week following he is giving a tutorial and will not be available. Need to validate quorum. Woody may also be challenged. John will be available. Austin is out the next two weeks.

Adjourned 9:00 AM

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • FGB should put something together for elevator pitch and John puts it into his CTO report to the Board
  • review and develop assertions with conformity to ISO Datatypes
  • Ron develop precepts from the risks
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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