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20130425 arb minutes

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ARB - Meeting (Date in Title)


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  4. Rons slide show
  5. Delay of ECCF pilot approval
  6. EHR usability PSS
  7. Review to-do list
  8. Review/update Arb BAM task list
  9. Other business and planning
  10. Adjournment

Meeting Information

HL7 ArB Work Group Meeting Minutes

Location: Telcon

Date: 20130425
Time: 5:00pm U.S. Eastern
Facilitator Constable, Lorraine Note taker(s) Julian, Tony
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Bond,Andy NEHTA
X Constable, Lorraine Constable Consulting Inc.
X Curry, Jane Health Information Strategies
X Dagnall, Bo HP Enterprise Services
. Grieve, Grahame Health Intersections Pty Ltd
. Hufnagel, Steve U.S. Department of Defense, Military Health System
X Julian, Tony Mayo Clinic
. Loyd, Patrick ICode Solutions
. Lynch, Cecil Accenture
X Milosevic, Zoran Deontik Pty Ltd
R Parker, Ron CA Infoway
. Quinn, John Health Level Seven, Inc.
. Guests
X Kreisler, Austin HL7 TSC Chair
X Stechishin, Andy CANA Software & Services Ltd
X Prekash?sp?
. Shakir, Abdul Malik City of Hope National Medical Center
. Laakso, Lynn HL7
. Legend
X Present
. Absent
R Regrets
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


  1. Agenda/Minutes
    1. Motion to approve the {[20130418_arb_minutes | minutes/agenda ]](Tony/Jane)
    2. Vote (6-0-1)
  2. Structured doc slide show
    1. Distributed to the ArB.
    2. Discussed slides.
      1. Missing - reference to how the BAM fits in.
      2. ArB is working out the methodology
      3. TSC will be implementing
      4. Need guidance on when people are
        1. Managers
        2. Governors
        3. Methodology
          1. Facilitator
          2. Practitioner
      5. The BAM defines multiple layers
        1. Meta-model
        2. Multiple models - one per life-cycle step.
    3. Need distiction between the meta-model, profile, and model
    4. Confusion consist between product and product line
      1. Step 0 is concept based -
        1. plan to plan,
        2. approval if a brand new thing
        3. Needs Board Approval
        4. If product line exists, then this is not necessary
      2. Step 1 is product family based
      3. Step 2 is product/product line
      4. Step 3 ff is product
    5. Governance/management boards are established for product line
    6. Discussing an existing product(s), and forming as a product line and Product Family focused on CDA implementation guides.
    7. Andy: This is all done backwards - trying to impose software companies methodology on an organization that is bottom up.
    8. People will try to shoehorn into an existing structure.
    9. Austin: Yes, top-down methodology.
    10. Andy: Conversation stops at the product, instead of the line/family.
    11. Bo: We should in step 0 determine if it is an new family.
    12. Jane: Governance board at the family level
    13. Bo: Establish product family management group
    14. Andy: HL7 product lines are the bread and butter. HL7 does not have product managers - just governance for a product family.
    15. Jane: The meaningful use stuff using CDA that shows up in implementation guides.
    16. Andy: You cant have a product line from one product.
    17. Jane: One use case yields one implementation guide which would be a single product line.
    18. Andy: Product line should be a suite working to solve a business problem. A CDA IG is a necessary artifact for a vendor to build a document, but not enough to form a product line, need business drivers, rendering guide, etc.
    19. Andy: message to strucdoc should start with product family and understand a family builds up. HL7 maturity is around families with line layered in. STRUCDOC work is not sufficient for a product line. HL7 needs more value from product lines.
    20. Artifacts can be specialized as business or product.
  3. EHR usability PSS
    1. There is discomfort on whether the software usability was an HL7 space
    2. Jane: This is a space we have stayed out of.
    3. ArB will vote to have discussion.
  4. To-Do list
    1. Tracker 2567 Bo has handed over - Refers to items b&c on the Arb BAM task list
    2. [Tracker 2568 Scheduled for WGM - not on Arb BAM task list
    3. Tracker 2587 is halfway through step 1 A on the Arb BAM task list
  1. Next meeting is May 5, 2013, Sunday morning in Atlanta, GA
  2. Adjournment at 5:55 Eastern

Tony Julian 22:17, 25 April 2013 (UTC)