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20121129 arb priorities

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Current priority/telcon list

Arb Summer ScheduleARB Teleconference Dates No meeting July 4
ItemDescriptionPriority SequenceCyclesFormal Project?Lead14-Jun21-Jun28-Jun12-Jul19-Jul26-Jul2-Aug9-Aug16-Aug23-Aug30-Aug6-SepWGMPOST WGM
Risk Management Project Scope ApprovalFinalize the Risk Management Project scope for TSC June 11th1YJane C X
Refine DAM definitionWhat are DAM artifacts - examples Must we define "well-formed"? Do we require DAMs be updated after downstream work is completed? Have we concluded on normative vs informative? Do we need a DAM style guide?2Charlie xx
HL7 Strategic Initiatives ReviewArB to comment on architecture implications of HL7 Strategic Initiatives32Charliexx
HL7 Business ArchitectureWe need to document the business processes of HL7 in order to determine what the supporting information and system architecture needs to look like.45Ronxx x
Risk Management Project ArB Task AssignmentDecompose ArB responsibilities for Risk Management and assign leads5Jane Cx x
Maturity of HL7 and the customer base6Andy / ZoranxxX
SAIF Glossary FinalizationEnsure the SAIF Glossary includes Cecil's work71Bo x
SAIF Wiki UpdateReview the SAIF Wiki page for accuracy and completeness81Tony x
FHIR and Architecture ex: Semantic WebContinue working with W3C to understand Semantic Web implications for FHIR9Charlie x
SAIF Model IGWe need to frame the pattern of the SAIF IG, especially if there will be different ones for v2, v3, CDA, FHIR, etc.10Charlie x
Separating Semantics from Rendering in CDA R3Should SAIF have a position on differentiating semantic content from rendering? Document becomes both a listing of semantic content and then a representation of how that content is organized. Raised by Lloyd11? xX
Templating as ArchitectureArB needs to provide a position on how use of templating in both CDA and messaging (and FHIR profiles) provides improved stability, extensibility, scalability, maintainability of standards interfaces. 12RonX
FHIR - Services - SAIF Dynamic ModelStart building a SOA pattern for FHIR13SOA / ARB?X
Review FHIR IGGrahame will write the FHIR IG, ArB to review from a SAIF and general architecture perspective142?Grahame G
Guidance / Considerations for choosing v2, v3, CDA (or FHIR) as your interface paradigm.Look to RIMBAA for a white paper on this subject15X