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2011-06-27 Rx Conf Call

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Hugh Glover (chair and scribe), Jean-Henri Duteau, Tim Buxton, Julie James, Scott Robertson, Melva Peters, Vassil Petchev, Wendy Hunag, John Hatem (left early), Ana Estelrich

Outstanding Actions from Previous Calls

None remaining

Ballot Planning

John and Jean-Henri have got "Drop Box" working

Jean-Henri will try the Medication KB Query as an example.


Wendy/Melva/Julie have met and discussed proposals. The proposal realting to Substance Administration code has been dropped. The other proposals were reviewed.

Motion to accept Proposed Julie, Seconded John passed 9,0,0

ISO Dose Syntax

Tim has spoken to John Quin who in turn had already talked to John Clinak of NCPDP + Scott Robertson. Scott then reported that at last weeks US TAG he had been proposed and accepted as the ISO proj lead for dose syntax with the intent of pursuing an 18 month passage to a DIS ballot. Scott assured the group that he will work hard to get relevant people involved. Tim was concerned that this isan ISO WG 6 project but he thinks that the group convenor doesn't know about it.

Tim/Scott will speak to the convener for clarification and report back soon.

IDMP Substance Ballot Reconcilliation

There was one item outstanding which Ana on behalf of the submitter said had been adequately dealt with.

Motion to accept Proposed by Ana Seconded by Tim passed 8,0,0

OOC Meeting

Ana can offer to host a Paris meeting on October 5th to 7th at PHAST. There would be no charge for the meeting space. IHE are meeting in the same room on 3rd and 4th and the suggestion is that we could have a joint day on the 5th.

Hugh suggested we should think about the topic to be worked on before going any further.

Agenda for Next Week

is here