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2011-04-14 PIC Call Agenda
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HL7 Process Improvement Committee Meeting
Meeting Logistics
- Date/Time: Thusday April 14th, 2010 / 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST
- Location: Phone: 1- 770-657-9270; Passcode: 379807
- Welcome and Introductions
- Agenda review and approval
- Approval of minutes from previous calls: PIC Mintues 2011-03-03
- Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
- Karen to ask Mary Anne to follow-up with some of the survey respondents and determine if there is an error and also to reverse the order of the ratings on the survey for next WGM.
- Karen to work with Mary Anne to pull together relevant information from the registration system from Sydney and circulate for discussion on next PIC call.
- Project Update - Member Forum Support and Outreach(All)
- Continued discussion of volunteer engagment and management.
- "I’ve been thinking for a couple of weeks about suggesting that we create a couple of inventories/surveys. The first would be a volunteer survey that would be used to gather information from people interested in volunteering at HL7. We’d want to collect information about their skills and interests, amount of time they have available to volunteer either weekly or monthly and maybe a list of volunteer areas where they could indicate an interest (i.e., project manager, editing facilitator, co-chair, ballot cleanup, etc). This would be helpful in matching volunteers to the positions that need to be filled.
Likewise, we might consider polling our volunteers annually to get their take on what is working and what is not working, suggestions for improvement, etc. I would also suggest that when people resign, we try to determine why they resign. While we are aware of some of the reasons that people resign, we might also learn something new." - Idea: Create a 'job opportunities' section on the website
- Idea: Create volunteer intake form to generate list of skills, availability, will help us match volunteers to organizational needs
- Idea: Recognize 'gold star' volunteers (co-chairs, facilitators etc) and align this concept with mentors to build up mentor program
- Idea: Establish 'speed dating' concept between first time attendees and mentors/gold-star members/co-chairs so that all FTAs are matched to at least one established member in their area of interest.
- Idea: Establish increased communication with regular volunteers to identify what helps/hinders volunteering at HL7.
- "I’ve been thinking for a couple of weeks about suggesting that we create a couple of inventories/surveys. The first would be a volunteer survey that would be used to gather information from people interested in volunteering at HL7. We’d want to collect information about their skills and interests, amount of time they have available to volunteer either weekly or monthly and maybe a list of volunteer areas where they could indicate an interest (i.e., project manager, editing facilitator, co-chair, ballot cleanup, etc). This would be helpful in matching volunteers to the positions that need to be filled.
- Continued discussion of volunteer engagment and management.
- Project Update - Co-Chair's Handbook (Karen)
- Project Update - Decision Making Practices (Lynn)
- Project Update - First Time Attendee Support (Ken)
- Project Update - Work Group Meeting Support(Helen)
- May WGM Workgroup/Co-Chair survey discussion of changes.Co-Chair Survey Template
- Project Update - Communications (Margie)
- Other business
- Attendees and Agenda for WGM - Tuesday Q2
- Agenda items for next meeting (March 31st)