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2010-10-04 Call Minutes

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HL7 Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile Meeting

Date/Time: Thursday, November 4th, 2010 / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
Location: Phone: 1- 770-657-9270; Passcode: 510269


  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • Helen Stevens (co-chair)
    • Peter Harrison (US Oncology)
    • John Ritter (CAP)
    • Sandy Jones (CDC NPCR)
    • Wendy Scharber (CDC NPCR)
    • Salimah Shakir (NCI)
    • David Bass (NCI)
  2. Agenda review and approval
    • Approved with no changes
  3. Approval of minutes from previous calls: September 16th
    • Approved
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    1. Helen to contact Lori Havener (NAACCR) and Kenneth Gerlach (CDC) regarding ballot questions
      • Lori was not at WGM and, unfortunately, Helen did not connect to Ken. Helen will contact Ken and Lori and schedule a review of their comments on a call coming up.
  5. HL7 WGM Update Report (Helen and John)
    • Helen reported that the EHR workgroup met and made significant progress on the EHR Release 2 development. There were also presentations by several projects including the EHR Public Health Functional Profile project.
    • There will be an EHR WorkGroup Out of Cycle meeting on December 1-3 in Chicago which Helen expects to be able to attend. If anyone is able/interested in attending they can contact Helen or John Ritter for information. The objective of the meeting will be to progress the Release 2 materials.
  6. CCHIT Liaison Report (Peter)
    • The CCHIT has completed reviewing the test scripts and expect to have the materials ready for public review by the end of November. The material is about 50 pages and is an add-on to the Ambulatory Profile. The materials from our project have been identified as 'roadmap' items – i.e. future items and not part of the core initial requirements. This includes referral recipt and reporting to cancer registries.
    • Sandy expressed that the CDC will certainly want to be part of the public review. Peter will ensure that a notice goes out to this team when the public review opens.
  7. CDC NPCR Project Status Update (Sandy)
    • The team continues to work in IHE to test and work with the vendors in preparation for the Connectathon in January. The clinical workgroup continues to follup and resolve questions. Sandy noted that the Storyboard developed by this team has been very helpful in raising questions that need to be addressed regarding the use cases under development.
  8. NCI Project Status Update (Salimah)
    • The NCI Analyst team continues to work on the specific tracks of work including referral management, tumor staging, document management and chemotherapy template management. At this time there is no material that is being distributed for 'public review' – however Salimah and David will check if there are plans to distribute material to be included in the Functional Profile at some point.
  9. HL7 EHR Public Health FP Project Alignment Discussion
    • Sandy and Wendy B from the NPCR have been actively engaged in the Public Health Functional Profile project. The project is starting to setup specific teams – one of which will be for Cancer Registries. It is agreed that much of the materials and requirements from the CDC NPCR project can be cleanly fit into the scope of the Public Health (PH) Profile.
    • Helen raised the option that, if the CDC requirements can be met within the PH Profile, and without regular contributions from other stakeholders and interested parties – it may be better to suspend this project in favour of moving forward with the PH Profile. Currently this project is an HL7 project and is behind against its planned milestones.
    • Peter confirmed that he is not able to contribute beyond attending the calls.
    • Salimah and David are not sure what the position is for NCI at this point.
    • Helen suggested that this group entertain the following motion on the next call (November 18th):
      • Motion to suspend the activities of the Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile and request that the HL7 project be suspended until such time as there is sufficient sponsorship and stakeholder engagement to move the project forward. All existing materials will be maintained on the Wiki and moved, as appropriate, to other Functional Profile projects within the HL7 EHR working group.
    • Helen noted that we can continue to have conference calls as long as they are providing value to the participants and keep the project list service available for members to circulate information.
  10. Overview Chapter - Clinical Review & Ballot Reconciliation
  11. Other business
    • none
  12. Agenda items for next meeting (November 18th)
    • Update from CCHIT regarding public review
    • Motion to suspend activities of Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile