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2010-09-16 Call Minutes

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HL7 Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Date/Time: Thursday, September 16th, 2010 / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST


  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • Helen Stevens (co-chair)
    • John Ritter (EHR WG co-chair)
    • Peter Harrison (US Oncology)
    • Sandy Jones - nee Thames (CDC NPCR)
    • Wendy Bleumenthal (CDC NPCR)
    • Salimah Shakir (NCI)
    • David Bass (NCI)
  2. Agenda review and approval
    • Approved as published
  3. Approval of minutes from previous calls: September 9th
    • Approved as published
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    1. Helen to contact Lori Havener (NAACCR) and Kenneth Gerlach (CDC) regarding ballot questions
      • To be completed at HL7 WGM in Cambridge
    2. Sandy/Wendy solicit input from NOCR for Overview Sections 6 and 7.15
      • Completed. Ongoing revisions and input will be submitted.
    3. Salimah to solicit input from NCI for Overview Section 7.7
      • Outstanding
  5. CCHIT Liaison Report (Peter)
    • The CCHIT Staff have reviewed the AOFP documents as well as the HL7 EHR Functional Model Release 2.0 worksheet and have presented an abbreviated list of requirements for consideration.
    • Peter confirmed that reporting to public health and registries has been identified as a future item and not expected to be part the initial release.
  6. CDC NPCR Project Status Update (Sandy)
    • Nothing significant to report – progress is being made on developing the use cases and working with the IHE profile.
  7. NCI Project Status Update (Salimah)
    • Need to discuss additions to the glossary. Helen suggested that Salimah or David email the updates to be posted to the wiki and will put on agenda for next week.
  8. Overview Chapter - Clinical Review & Ballot Reconciliation
    • Background ballot reconciliation files (for reference only) Ballot Results ZIP file and Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet(ZIP)
    • Overview Chapter - All Input and Changes
      (Revision Markers and comments indicate proposed changes from ballot reconciliation)
      • Overview Chapter - CDC Input
        • Detailed discussion regarding the triggering points for sending a report to public health. There was some discussion on the difference between 'course of treatment' vs 'modality' and relationship with order sets and treatment plans. Decided that we needed to enhance the glossary terms for this and continue to add content to the storyboard (section 6) to reflect the requirements.
        • Discussed Section 7.15 briefly – Wendy will do some further work on this section specifically to add the ambulatory requirements.
    • Refer to Overview Chapter - All Input and Changes to view document following the meeting with meeting notes inserted.
    • ACTION: Salimah or David to look for usecase for 'Sarah Sickly' that reflects patient with multiple courses of treatment that can be added to the Overview.
    • ACTION: Wendy to continue to work on Sections 6 and 7.15 to reflect requirements for reporting.
    • Following is the URL to the SEER document with the information Wendy was reading to the group about first course of therapy (starts on page 171). Note that during the call Wendy was reading quickly, and may have missed some important points of clarification (see Treatment Timing). there is also more detail on the phases for leukemia treatment on page 174.
  9. Other business
    • There is a new group being launched at HL7 in the EHR work group to develop a Public Health Functional Profile. It is anticipated that there will be strong alignment with the work we are doing already. Helen will attend their kickoff meeting on the 22nd and report to the team on the next call.
  10. Agenda items for next meeting (September 23rd)
    • Update from Helen on the EHR Public Health group kickoff meeting.
    • Glossary updates from NCI
  11. meeting adjourned at 2:40pm EST (sorry for running over!)