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2010-09-23 Call Minutes

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HL7 Ambulatory Oncology Functional Profile Meeting

Meeting Logistics

Date/Time: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 / 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST


  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • Helen Stevens (co-chair)
    • John Ritter (EHR WG co-chair)
    • Peter Harrison (US Oncology)
    • Sandy Jones - nee Thames (CDC NPCR)
    • Wendy Bleumenthal (CDC NPCR)
    • Salimah Shakir (NCI)
    • David Bass (NCI)
  2. Agenda review and approval
    • Approved as published
  3. Approval of minutes from previous calls: September 16th
    • Approved as published
  4. Review Actions from previous meeting(s)
    1. Helen to contact Lori Havener (NAACCR) and Kenneth Gerlach (CDC) regarding ballot questions
      • To be completed at HL7 WGM in Cambridge
  5. CCHIT Liaison Report (Peter)
    • There has been no reported progress regarding the incorporation of the AOFP material into the CCHIT profile.
  6. CDC NPCR Project Status Update (Sandy)
    • Have subhmitted proposal for updates to the IHE profile.
  7. NCI Project Status Update (Salimah)
    • Discussion regarding the definition of Agent. It was decided that this needed to be discussed with the HL7 Pharmacy group as the distinction at HL7 between an Agent and Medication and Component are defined by this group. It would not be advisable for the AOFP group to endorse a definition that is contrary to the HL7 definitions from the pharmacy group.
    • Salimah expressed concern that there would not be an NCI representative at the WGM to bring this question forward to the HL7 Pharmacy group. Helen suggested submitting something to their list service. Salimah and David would follow-up.
  8. Overview Chapter - Clinical Review & Ballot Reconciliation
  9. Other business
    • Helen and John provided an update from the EHR Public Health Funcitonal Profile team call. This is a new group being launched at HL7 in the EHR work group to develop a Public Health Functional Profile. It is anticipated that there will be strong alignment with the work we are doing already. Sandy and Wendy are already engaged in this project - we will continue to see how our efforts can be aligned.
  10. Agenda items for next meeting (October 21st)
    • Update from Helen and John on HL7 WGM
    • Discussion of alignment with EHR Public Health FP group
  11. meeting adjourned at 2:30pm EST