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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20110211

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Return to Publishing Committee
Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

V3 Publishing Teleconference

Meeting Information

HL7 V3 Publishing Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896
Date: 2011-02-11
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern
Facilitator Woody Beeler (GWB) Note taker(s) Andy Stechishin (AS)
Attendee Name Affiliation
× George "Woody" Beeler (GWB) Beeler Consulting
Jean Duteau (JD) Gordon Point Informatics
× Pete Gilbert (PG)
× Austin Kreisler (AK) SAIC/CDC
× Patrick Loyd (PL) Gordon Point Informatics
× Don Lloyd (DL) HL7 International
Joginder Madra (JM) Gordon Point Informatics
Mary-Kay McDaniel (MK)
Dale Nelson (DN)
× Gregg Seppala (GS) Veteran's Administration
× Andy Stechishin (AS) Gordon Point Informatics
Rob Savage (RS)
Anita Walden (AW) Duke University
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings January 28 and February 4
  3. CDA Consolidation Project report
  4. Notes from Don Lloyd
  5. Around the table
  6. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  7. Adjourn


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda
    • Called to order 12:14 pm Eastern
    • Additional agenda item: Board Appointed Liaison for T3SD work groups
    • Motion: Accept amended agenda PL/AK unanimous
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meetings January 28 and February 4
    • Motion: Approve Jan 28 minutes with correction from DL (AS/AK) unanimous
    • Motion: Approve Feb 4 minutes (AS/PG) unanimous
  3. Board Appointed Liaison for T3SD work groups
    • Board Chair will select from current or propose additional for each in T3SD
    • AK and PL reported
  4. CDA Consolidation Project report
    • PG and Keith Boone will co-lead
    • Question to DL, posting ZIP with PDF of IG, when is deadline for ballot
      • DL: Mar 30
      • Can also request different opening date on NIB, if need extra time
    • AK - question:
      • Will have ONC's Creative Commons Open Source license attached?
      • How will reconciliation be handled?
        • PG, understand to be HL7 reconciliation
        • AK: Will reconciliation have the ONC license attached (any artifacts that come about as part of reconciliation)?
      • Project Leads need to be made aware of licensing issue.
    • Motion: V3 Publish WG believes that it is its response that carries an OPn Source Lic and has not been approved by the HL7 board or its executive committee. If no such approval has been received the material will be removed from the ballot Feb 4 AK/PL PG:abs
  5. Notes from Don Lloyd
    • Will finish new project statements hopefully by Monday, then will send out NIB reminder
    • AK has asked for report on normative ballots that has not completed reconciliation
    • Also, for copyright purposes, on the NE the copyright on a standard should be when the standard became Normative
      • Need to change transform
  6. Around the table
    • GWB:
      • new RMIM Designer release
        • completed new context conduction
      • V3 Generator
        • AS update, release for end of March
        • GWB may not use for current cycle, next release
      • XML Publishing
        • Glossary, and errors
      • Combined Pub Tools
        • Update documentation
    • GS
      • Harm proposals? Yes
      • Going to ballot with DAM, with PDF
        • PDF is fine, EA HTML
  7. Future Business
    1. Deadlines and due dates
  8. Adjourn
  9. Adjourned 1:01 pm Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
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Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
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