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V3 Publishing ConCall Minutes 20101119

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Minutes of Recent Publishing Conference Calls

V3 Publishing Teleconference

Meeting Information

HL7 V3 Publishing Meeting Minutes

Location: GoToMeeting ID: 212-860-120

Conference Call: HL7 Conference Call Service:

  • Phone: 770-657-9270
  • Passcode: 657896
Date: 2010-11-19
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern
Facilitator Woody Beeler (GWB) Note taker(s) Andy Stechishin (AS)
Attendee Name Affiliation
× George "Woody" Beeler (GWB) Beeler Consulting
× Jean Duteau (JD) Gordon Point Informatics
Pete Gilbert (PG)
× Austin Kreisler (AK) SAIC/CDC
Patrick Loyd (PL) Gordon Point Informatics
× Don Lloyd (DL) HL7 International
Joginder Madra (JM) Gordon Point Informatics
Mary-Kay McDaniel (MK)
Dale Nelson (DN)
× Gregg Seppala (GS) Veteran's Administration
× Andy Stechishin (AS) Gordon Point Informatics
Rob Savage (RS)
× Anita Walden (AW) Duke University
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
  3. Notes from Don Lloyd
  4. Around the Table
  5. Adjourn


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda
    • Called to order 12:03 pm Eastern
  2. Approve Previous minutes
    • Not done, minutes not posted yet
  3. Notes from Don Lloyd
    • Work on changing all DAM, making all 3 letter codes, soon to update SVN
    • Lloyd McKenzie has provided his content
    • Updating transforms to ensure ballot location
    • AK asked final drop-dead for TSC approval to include in ballot
    • Try to open on Nov 29, can hold back the one item
    • Pharmacy got all models in, 2 not going cleanly through generator
    • There was a general discussion on the COL/BAG datatype conversion (as part of datatypes R2)
    • HTML conversion is proceeding, DL will finish after completing DAMs.
      • (conversion is comprised of ensuring all HTML content files have the extension .html)
  4. Around the Table
    • JD
      • Temp space for pub domains
        • Tried free sites but disclaimer "if valid HTML will not work"
    • LM files go beyond current limit for downloads, issue with ballooning of download file
  1. Adjourned 12:43 pm Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • AS - bring discussion of temporary web space to ES
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • next call Nov 25 will occur