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Project Information

The project scope statement is still in draft being reviewed by the EU Office Taskforce

Further details about the project can be found at or by contacting Charlie McCay (

The SemanticHealthNet project is focused on organisational and governance processes, and is not resourced to create deployment-ready standards - however if the project is able to work with others to progress materials through ballot then that would be a great outcome. Please get in touch with Charlie McCay ( if you are interested in taking any of the SemanticHealthNet deliverables further, or you think that there are other projects happening in HL7 that SemanticHealthNet should be engaged in.

SemanticHealthNet will develop a scalable and sustainable pan-European organisational and governance process for the semantic interoperability of clinical and biomedical knowledge, to help ensure that EHR systems are optimised for patient care, public health and clinical research across healthcare systems and institutions.

Through a clinically-driven workplan, exemplified in cardiovascular medicine, SemanticHealthNet will capture the needs for evidence-based, patient-centred integrated care and for public health, encapsulating existing European consensus in the management of chronic heart failure and cardiovascular prevention. Experts in EHR architectures, clinical data structures, terminologies and ontology will combine, tailor and pilot their best-of-breed resources in response to the needs articulated by clinicians and public health physicians.

These exemplars will be cross-referenced with other domains and stakeholder perspectives via Clinical and Industrial Advisory Boards and interactions with other projects in Topic 5.3. The project will generalise and formalise the methods and best practices in how to combine and adapt informatics resources to support semantic interoperability, and how these can be developed and supported at scale. Health authorities, clinical professionals, ministries, vendors, purchasers, insurers are involved to ensure the project approach and results are realistically adoptable and viable, building on the SemanticHEALTH and CALLIOPE roadmaps.

A business model to justify strategic investments, including the opportunity costs for key stakeholders such as SDOs, industry, will be defined. This, and links with epSOS II and the eHealth Governance Initiative, will inform the shape of the Virtual Organisation that this Network will establish to sustain semantic interoperability developments and their adoption.

The consortium comprises more than 40 internationally recognised experts, including from USA and Canada, ensuring a global impact.

Meeting Information

  • 16th Oct will be discussed by EU Office taskforce


20th Sept 2012 update:
A draft Project scope statement has been circulated to the HL7 European Taskforce for review.
A draft CDA instance for a Heart Failure Summary document has been created.
A draft requirements checklist
Next Steps:
get Project Scope Statement Approved
Create a Heart Failure Summary CDA IG based on the requirements gathered by the project
Improve project wiki page
Establish an online documents repository
Create a FHIR IG based on the Heart Failure Summary requirements

Issues/Hot Topics

Project Documents

Project Deliverables

These are all documents that are internal to the project. HL7 is not directly responsible for any of the document that will be delivered to the European Union. That said, material in these deliverables will be included in the final project deliverables. All documents are available from Charlie McCay on request - they will be posted to suitable places on the HL7 website / wiki once these are arranged.

Completed Documents

  • Heart Care CDA Example Instance
  • Presentation "Beyond Documents" looking at what else SHN needs to address beyond the specification of clinical documents

Work in progress

  • Revised Heart Care CDA Example Instance
  • Project Scope Statement
  • HL7 SHN CDA Implementation Guide Development Process. This is a document looking at how CDA Implementation Guides should be developed in SHN, and what guidance for producing CDA implementation guides should be provided to/by the SHN Virtual Organisation.
  • Horizon Scan of CDA Patient Summaries used in Europe - see SHN Patient Summary CDA specificiations in Europe

Planned Documents

  • HL7 SHN CDA Implementation guide for Heart Care Summary (based on epSOS tabular implementation guide style)
  • HL7 SHN ValueSet Definition Languages
  • HL7 SHN Guidelines formalisms options paper
