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This is supplementary documentation for the HL7 RMIM Designer (in Visio). It collects all of the "add-on" documentation created since the primary RMIM Designer Compiled Help file was created for HL7 by graduate students from the University of British Columbia.

The rationale for this documentation is simple. To provide a one-source set of RMIM Designer documentation for a product that has been developed by multiple people in "fits and starts" over many years. As always any one who sees a hole in this documentation should plug it by making changes!

Summary of Tab Content

At present there are five other tabs in this collection:

Recent (2010/11) Updates (2010/11 Updates)

A series of updates that are not easily grouped under other, existing categories. Includes topics:

  • Establishing Context Control Style for Models;
  • Defining Fixed Code Sets for Blocking Context Conduction;
  • Improved Scan and Repair of drawings;
  • Correction of Shape Master GUIDs when reverting drawings from Visio 2003/7/10 back to 2002; and
  • Addition of dual mode (PubDb or MIF file) lading in RoseTree and RMIM Designer and "just in time" vocabulary assembly (saves memory)
  • Initial release of a new WYSIWYG editor for MIF annotations in xhtml.

Vocabulary Constraints with Vocabulary MIF (VocabMIF)

Discusses the changes and implementation of the change from the "traditional, legacy" vocabulary representation to the "proper" representation in the Model Interchange Format (MIF) files.

Command Line Processing (CommandLine)

Provides an overview of the command line invocation capabilities added to the RMIM Designer in 2008)

Error Messages, Installation "Repair" and Security Settings for RMIM Designer (Installation)

Provides steps to resolve Visio Error Messages and step-by-step installation and setup instructions.

Changes for Visio 2003/7 (Visio2002/2003-7)

Documentation provided when the RMIM Designer was upgraded so as to run on Visio 2003/7 in addition to Visio 2002.

Other Available Documentation

The is a listing, not a reproduction of earlier documentation. It includes:

Primary Documentation As Compiled Help in a ZIP file (2004)

(Click title above to download file) This documentation was published in 2004 as the result of a graduate student project at the University of British Columbia. It is well-done, correct and highly usable. It documents both the RMIM Designer functionality and the representation (iconography).

Documentation Update (2006) in PDF format

(Click title above to download file) As the functionality of the RMIM Designer expanded, the file listed above was released. Its table of contents follows:

  1. Introduction
    1. Creation and use of "local" CMETs
    2. Changes in the handling of "formal naming" and "stubs"
    3. Batch Process for Creating Clickable Graphics
  2. Defining & Using "local" CMETs
    1. Determining the CMET name, identifier and related information
    2. CMET reference for use by RMIM Designer
    3. Adding your CMET design to repository
  3. Software Installation and Naming Source File
    1. Binding to RMIM Designer
    2. Changing source data file
  4. Designating Class Clones as "Stub" classes
    1. Qualifications for a stub class
    2. Making the change in Visio
    3. Seeing/making change in RoseTree RMIM view
    4. Effect on RoseTree HMD view
    5. Changes to "*.hmd" output file
  5. Batch Creation of Clickable Graphics
    1. Installing RMIM Designer in Visio
    2. File Structure for Batch Graphics Creation
    3. Running the Batch Process

Documentation Update (2007) in PDF Format

(Click title above to download file) It is a PDF of a PowerPoint that summarizes:

  1. Documentation enhancements
    • Business names
    • Multiple annotation types for each clone
  2. Establishing Default and Fixed attribute values
  3. Data types and flavors
  4. Setting cardinality and length (of a field)
  5. Vocabulary constraints
  6. Use of the Visio "XML" file for documentation
  7. Guidelines on annotations and constraints

Documentation Update (2007) When Visio 2003/7 Became Supported

(Click title above to download file) This PDF file was released at the time that the RMIM Designer was upgraded to run on Visio 2003 and Visio 2007 in addition to prior Visio releases.

Key Sections for Various Users

Read what you need.