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Proposed ITS Home

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 01:00, 5 February 2012 by Astechishin (talk | contribs)
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The ITS Work Group supports the HL7 mission through the development of Implementable Technology Specifications and Messaging Protocol guidelines (e.g. ebXML, Web Services, Messaging encoding specifications) to be used when implementing the HL7 information specifications.

Work group [leadership]: Paul Knapp, Dale Nelson, Andy Stechishin



ITS Conference Call

Date / Time(s)

  • Call is scheduled first Tuesday of each month 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (Eastern Time, GMT -05)

Screen sharing and Audio:

1. Dial into the conference:

  Dial-in Number: (515) 739-1285 - United States
  Access Code: 748563
  International Dial-in Numbers:

2. Join the online meeting:

  Online Meeting Link:
  Online Meeting ID: its5

Hot Topics

To create a new Hot Topic, select the link below and use the template to create your Hot Topic. Once complete, please mail the topic link to the ITS list server.

Current Projects/Work


Link to a product or document

Historical Links