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October 19, 2011 Behavioral Health CCD Project Conference Call

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Revision as of 18:56, 26 October 2011 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
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Agenda Topics

  1. (5 min) Roll Call, approve minutes October 5th Conference Call, call for agenda items
  2. Review additional use case (Care Coordination) for the Domain Analysis Model(15 min)


  • Call time was curtailed because of conflicts.
  • Kathleen led a short modeling validation session for a Behavioral Health Reporting Use Case for the addition of a Care Collaboration Use Case. This change was approved informally by the call participants.
  • Madan introduced Daniel Crough from Arizona Department of Health Service who authors the Arizona Demographic User Guide. He and Daniel asked whether the BH CCD implementation guide would be able to handle the periodic addition of new fields, e.g., educational status. We discussed the importance of designing the vocabulary so that it supports sufficient flexibility while maintaining interoperability.

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Draft BH CCD Use Case revision