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== Overview ==
At a high level of abstraction the question is how we can ensure that the receiver of a message is aware (in as precise a way as possible) what the semantic intent of the sender was. This includes the static model and vocabulary, the dynamic model, and constraints.
If we were to specify a checklist of what a receiver should look for in order to establish the semantic intent of the sender the checklist would look as follows:
*'''Message(or Batch).InteractionId:''' the interactionID identifies the static models (wrappers and payload(s)) and constraints placed upon them.  The interactionId for normative and DSTU artifacts includes a version component which in turn refers to specific versions of the static models.
**Note: in the "old" HL7 v3 dynamic model the interactionID also identifies the [[Receiver Responsibilities]]. In the new dynamic model interactionId doesn't have dynamic model aspects associated with it anymore.
*'''Message(or Batch).realmCode:''' this attribute signals the imposition of [[Realm]]-specific (contextual) constraints/substitutions. The value of this attribute identifies the context in question. The constraints/substitutions defined by a realm may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId. The realmCode manages the [[Value Set binding|bindings/substitutions of Valuesets]] and CMETs (and templates and datatype specialisations if and when substitution rules for these are agreed). Each realm has a realm owner: the owner must be an HL7 Affiliate.
**Note that in the Dutch context this attribute won’t be used anywhere else in an interaction – if the realmCode is used at the root class of the interaction it applies to all classes in the interaction.  However, in some cases, realmCode may switch within an instance.  E.g. A Canadian claim message referencing a U.S. realm clinical act.
**(Lloyd) I think there needs to be a rule that realmCode is mandatory on the root data element.
**If a message instance contains an unknown realm, then the receiver wont be able to determine whether or not vocabulary or other parts of the instance are valid against realm constraints.
**If an application rejects a message because because the instance asserts a realm the application supports but in a place the application didn't expect it to, that application would be considered non-conformant.
*'''Message(or Batch).profileId:''' states the constraints (or potentially the extensions) from the standard static model ([[Composite Message Type]]) as well as the dynamic model ([[Communication Process Model]]) definition that the instance complies to and implements. When multiple profiles are specified, the message instance must be valid against all of them. However, a receiver may choose to validate against only the first one recognized. For this reason, 'preferred' or more-rigorous profiles should be listed first. The constraints defined by a Profile may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId or the Realm.
**Note: for v3, profiles can’t be (fully) expressed in a computable fashion yet; a MIF based mechanism has been defined but not yet confirmed and there is no tooling which yet supports it
**A conformance profile definitely can indicate support for one or more realms.  The open question is whether it should allow restricting where realm can transition.
*'''Message(or Batch).versionCode:''' infrastructure versioning (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary -particularly structural codes-, transports) is communicated using the versionCode attribute and has values such as "2006NormativeEdition". The versionCode indicates "all infrastructure stuff that was normative as of the point and time the normative edition was released". For early adopters, it could be one of the development editions or an equivalent "packaged release" by a particular realm.
**See [[Interaction Versioning]] for details. 
**In the case of vocabulary, some domains may be marked as "fixed at the time of publication" (e.g. all structural vocabularies) while others may be marked as "mutable", meaning that they change over time.  E.g. The set of drug codes expected to be supported are those published by the local regulatory agency at a given time, rather than those which happened to exist at the time the publication was issued.  The specific mechanism by which "fixed at the time of publication" vs. "mutable" will be documented in the vocabulary specifications remains to be resolved.
**Note: the UK MIM uses this attribute to identify their publication edition, e.g. their equivalent of “2005B”. In the UK a reference to a HL7 Edition doesn’t make sense given that artifacts are inspired by, but not constrained versions of, universal artifacts as contained in an HL7 Edition.
*'''InfrastructureRoot.[[TemplateId|templateID]]:''' states the constraints (or potentially the extensions) from the standard static artefact model definition that the instance complies to and implements. The constraint applies from the "point of occurrence" in the model. A sender can assert any templateID anywhere they like.  It can be ignored by receivers.
**Note: Profile ids always apply from the root of the message, templateId apply to the "point of occurence".
**There's no reason to prohibit the declaration of any templates at all, because the declaration of non-recognized templates has no impact on the receiver. Prohibiting custom templates would be similar to prohibiting local extensions, which you're also not allowed to do.
**If an application rejects a message because that message contains a template the application doesn't recognize, that application would be considered non-conformant.
*'''InfrastructureRoot.typeId:''' This identifies the actual message type (wrapper, CMET, etc.) used by the sender in constructing the message. The message type applies from the "point of occurrence" in the model. A sender can assert any typeID anywhere they like. It can be ignored by receivers.
The [ Dutch AORTA programme] is in the process of creating a nationwide infrastructure for the exchange of data between healthcare providers. AORTA uses HL7 version 3 messages as its core mechanism for information exchange. The initial specifications have been created in 2003. In 2006 the infrastructure will be used in production in at least 2 regions.
:::(Charlie McCay) Can a conformance profile mandate that particular values of these attributes are present. For example: If you send a weight, you will always include the profiles chosen "weight" templateId. All instances for an interaction will include the "UK" realmCode. TypeId will be populated for all payloads in the profile. My answer to this would be that the profile must be able to express such constraints, but I do not think that we have a balloted or even committee voted resolution to that effect.
The specifications (both for the architecture as well as the HL7 v3 messages) have been mostly created in a bi-annual cycle. The HL7 messages are mostly based on Ballot 7; parts of later specifications have been pre-adopted and included in the AORTA specifications.
=== InteractionId as a pre-coordinated value for most of the above ===
Because of the fact that the current specifications effectively are the first ones to be widely implemented, and the fact that all specifications are subject to change, the issue of versioning and conformance is raised – an area where there are many issues yet to be solved or clarified.
During the January 2008 WGM (MnM MON Q1/FRI Q2) the use of InteractionId in relationship to versioning and compliance was discussed. Pragmatically, in terms of identifiers/versioning we have three main identifiers:
#InteractionId: Next to being an identifier for the static model; it is a pre-coordinated identifier of the static model and typeId.
#ProfileId (if an implementable profile): Next to being an identifier for a set of constraint; it is a pre-coordinated identifier for RealmCode, versionCode (infrastructure codes; CMETs; ITS & ITS version used).
#TemplateId (at Message/Batch level)
== High Level Issue ==
[[AORTA]], the Dutch national project will increase versionNumber of InteractionId
*if a change in infrastructure components (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary -particularly structural codes-, transports) was made which resulted in a change in the flattened schema of the interaction.
*if the schema associated with new constraints made in a new Profile result in a change in the flattened schema of the interaction. I.e. if instances that are valid according to the new profileId can't be parsed by the old schema, the version is increased.
At a high level of abstraction the question is how we can ensure that the receiver of a message is aware (in as precise a way as possible) what the semantic intent of the sender was. This includes the static model and vocabulary, the dynamic model, and constraints.
If we were to specify a checklist of what a receiver should look for in order to establish the semantic intent of the sender the checklist would look as follows:
In CA, NHS the UV realm is never used, local realm identifiers are used for all constrained artefacts (i.e. in conformace terms: constrainable profiles, implementable profiles). Each and every publication cycle it is determined if there have been any changes, if so, the version number of the artefact in question increases.
*'''InteractionId:''' the interactionID identifies the static models (wrappers and payload(s)), the dynamic model, and constraints placed upon them.  The interactionId for normative and DSTU artifacts includes a version component which in turn refers to specific versions of the static models and dynamic model constructs.
*'''Message(or Batch).realmCode:''' this attribute signals the imposition of context (realm)-specific constraints. The value of this attribute identifies the context in question. The constraints defined by a realm may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId.  Constraints include vocabulary domain binding, CMET substitution and potentially datatype substitution.
Are there any advantages to using either a) UV artefacts with a profile, or b) localized realm artefacts ?
**Note that in the Dutch context this attribute won’t be used anywhere else in an interaction – if the realmCode is used at the root class of the interaction it applies to all classes in the interaction.  However, in some cases, realmCode may switch within an instance.  E.g. A Canadian claim message referencing a U.S. realm clinical act.
#Pro's of new artifact:
*'''Message(or Batch).profileId:''' states the constraints (or potentially the extensions) from the standard message definition that the instance complies to and implements. When multiple profiles are specified, the message instance must be valid against all of them. However, a receiver may choose to validate against only the first one recognized. For this reason, 'preferred' or more-rigorous profiles should be listed first. The constraints defined by a Profile may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId or the Realm.
#*places all constraints in a single specification, simplifies testing
**Note: for v3, profiles can’t be (fully) expressed in a computable fashion yet; a MIF based mechanism has been defined but not yet confirmed and there is no tooling which yet supports it
#Pro's of UV version:
*'''Message(or Batch).versionCode:''' infrastructure versioning (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary, transports) is communicated using the versionCode attribute and has values such as "2006NormativeEdition". The versionCode indicates "all infrastructure stuff that was normative as of the point and time the normative edition was released". For early adopters, it could be one of the development editions or an equivalent "packaged release" by a particular realm. See [[Interaction Versioning]] for details.
#*enables determination of interoperability possibility between cross-realm applications
**In the case of vocabulary, some domains may be marked as "fixed at publication" while others may be marked as "mutable", meaning that they change over time.  E.g. The set of drug codes expected to be supported are those published by the local regulatory agency at a given time, rather than those which happened to exist at the time the publication was issued.  The specific mechanism by which "fixed ad publication" vs. "mutable" will be documented in the vocabulary specifications remains to be resolved.
#*simplifies determination of forward and backward compatibility by separating constraints from syntax
**Note: the UK MIM uses this attribute to identify their publication edition, e.g. their equivalent of “2005B”. In the UK a reference to a HL7 Edition doesn’t make sense given that artifacts are inspired by, but not constrained versions of, universal artifacts as contained in an HL7 Edition.
*'''templateID:''' This serves a similar purpose to profileId.  However, it only affects the constraints (extensions) on the static model, and only applies from the "point of occurrence" in the model.  (Profile ids always apply from the root of the message.)  It can be ignored by receivers.
*'''typeId:''' This identifies the actual message type (wrapper, CMET, etc.) used by the sender in constructing the message.  It can be used in a similar manner by templateId.
Supporting an artifact id (interactionId, typeId) means that:
*The application uses the semantic model associated with that id (plus possible 'ignorable' extensions)
*The application uses the syntax associated with an ITS implementation of the artifact
*it does NOT mean full support for the content allowed by the artifact
*definition of exactly what content is supported is determined by the profileId
*applications MAY raise errors when instances do not declare a recognized profile or do not comply with one of the declared profiles.
*Interoperability requires knowledge of both artifactId and profileId
*In the absence of a profileId, the expectation is that the receiver will fully support any instance allowed by the artifact, though it may ignore elements with conformance of optional(blank) and must ignore non-supported extensions.
*NOTE: Historical uses (e.g. CDA) may use templateId or typeId as profileId.  (Suggest that profileId be added to CDA for R3)
(MNM, January 2008 WGM, MON Q2) Motion: MnM recommends to Implementation & Conformance that the above assertion be adopted and reflected in the Refinement and Localization document (Charlie/Rene 9/0/2)
=== Interaction versioning vs using a new Interaction ===
AORTA uses the above HL7 mechnisms in the following manner:
The following is true in general:
*If an interaction has not been extended from the universal interaction AORTA uses the universal interaction identifier. Dutch specific constraints have to be conveyed as realmCode and profileId.  Interactions which have been extended in a non backwards compatible fashion have been assigned interactions with a “NL” realm identifier.
#A non [[Semantically Backward Compatible]] change to an artefact has to result in the use of a new artefact identifier.  
*The realmCode will be “NL” to identify that realm specific constraints as defined by HL7 Netherlands apply, this is especially needed to extend or otherwise change value sets for HL7 vocabulary domains.
#If instances created against the realm constraint would not validate against the UV specification (for any ITS), it must be treated as a realm artifact (a new artifact id must be issued for that realm code). NOTE: "extension" elements using foreign namespaces or other flags do not impact the above analysis because conformant applications are required to ignore them during validation.
*The versionCode indicates "all infrastructure stuff (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary, transports) as of the point and time the release was published". AORTA is based on the "Ballot 7" Release, even though some parts of the models as well as parts of the schema are based on ITS versions later than ballot 7. It currently contains "NICTIZEd2005-Okt" to indicate this unique mixture of models/ITSs as used in the current project.
#*In other circumstances, you MAY create a new artifact or MAY reference the UV artifact as well as a profileId with realm constraints
*The profileId can be used to identify the set of AORTA documents (two releases a year, e.g. 2005B and 2006A), these contain a full description of the v3 artifacts and the context specific constraints played upon them. Additional repititions could identify vendor or product specific constraints (a further constraint of the constraints as defined by AORTA)
#When dependent models of the [[Composite Message]] model (e.g. CMETs, Vocabulary, Datatypes) have been assigned a new version, the interaction must be assigned a new version as well.
== Open Issues ==
== Open Issues ==
=== Schema versions of an interaction ===
=== Schema versions of an interaction ===
'''Note: for the purpose of this discussion, the word "schema" is used for XML schema as well as associated schematron scripts.'''
Consider the following scenario:  
Consider the following scenario:  
*The 2005B publication of AORTA contains the description of an interaction ABCD_IN000001NL and the constraints placed upon it. A schema ABCD_IN000001NL.xsd is published as well, and is published jointly with the 2005B publication. The schema is not normative, vendors are free to use other schema as long as their messages also validate against the published schema.  
*The 2005B publication of [[AORTA]] contains the description of an interaction ABCD_IN000001NL and the constraints placed upon it. A schema ABCD_IN000001NL.xsd is published as well, and is published jointly with the 2005B publication. The schema is not normative, vendors are free to use other schema as long as their messages also validate against the published schema.  
*The schema may not enforce (all of) the constraints as defined in the 2005B publication (e.g. the XML ITS is not able to enfore everything, the universal model used to generate the schema had not been localized, there is no constraints language). After publication of the 2005B cycle some changes are made to the schema to enforce some of the constraints.  
*The schema may not enforce (all of) the constraints as defined in the 2005B publication (e.g. the schema is not able to enfore everything, the universal model used to generate the schema had not been localized, there is no constraints language). After publication of the 2005B cycle some changes are made to the schema to enforce some of the constraints. Note: the constraints as present in the documentation haven't changed - only the schema have been changed.
Question: do we need versioning of the schema, and to inform the receiver of the interaction what version of the schema was used?
Question: do we need versioning of the schema, and to inform the receiver of the interaction what version of the schema was used?
Answer: No. The sender defines conformance against abstract models. If the 2005B specification specified that attribute A shall not be used, and schema version X allows it, a sender is not allowed to populate the attribute. Creating a schema version Y which disallows the use of attribute A serves as a technical aid to enforce the constraint, a change in use from schema X to Y doesn’t have any impact on systems which conform to the 2005B specification, and therefore identification of the schema version is of no relevance.  
Answer: No. The sender defines conformance against abstract models. If the 2005B specification specified that attribute A shall not be used, and schema version X allows it, a sender is not allowed to populate the attribute. Creating a schema version Y which disallows the use of attribute A serves as a technical aid to enforce the constraint, a change in use from schema X to Y doesn’t have any impact on systems which conform to the 2005B specification, and therefore identification of the schema version is of no relevance.
=== Interaction versioning vs using a new Interaction ===
:It is certainly important to have schema version information in the schema, and it may be useful to include this in the instance in a comment, maybe only in diagnostic mode -- senders using the wrong specification and/or old weaker schemas is a likely source of trouble in an implementation - so telling the receiver what you are using in a comment does at least provide reassurance / the opportunity to be told that there is something better that you could do.  However this should certainly NOT be done using xsi:schemalocation as this may be dereferenced by receiving processors which then try to access the schema file and cause all sorts of problems (file not found errors / processing delays / extra network activity / ...) [[User:Charliemccay|Charliemccay]] 05:33, 2 Jun 2006 (CDT)
:Another use case is when the older version of the schema contained a bug, which is fixed in the newer version. This will not change the interaction (assuming the bug was purely in the schema). However, receivers might want to check the version of the schema used by sender, in some cases they might even refuse instances produced with the older, buggy schema. Of course having the schema version in a comment has the disadvantage that comments are harder to parse. The argument that schemas are non-normative and therefore need no versioning is in itself not valid; it is common practice in software development to do versioning of all artefacts, requirements, design documents, source code, test scripts etc. Versioning doesn't just apply to normative artefacts, but may apply to all artefacts. [[User:Marc de Graauw|Marc de Graauw]] 9 Jun 2006
:I don't think the issue is with schema versioning - any party that releases multiple versions of an object should consider a versioning system. Question is a) do we have to communicate schema versions in interaction instaces? b) if there is a need to communicate schema versions in a manner other than as an XML-comment, what element/attribute should they be in, taking into account that there may be MT-schema versions as well as IN-schema versions. [[User:Rene spronk|Rene spronk]] 06:58, 9 Jun 2006 (CDT)
Question: when should a new interaction be created, and when should an interaction just be published using a new version number?
:As for a), I strongly believe it should be communicated, for the reasons Charlie and I gave. If you do not, and you run into trouble in production, there is no quick way to rule out the use of a different (weak or buggy) schema as the source of trouble. If there is no schema version attribute in the instance, the only way to rule out schema version problems is use the phone, get some implementer at the other side, have him or her dive into their sources and find out which schemas were used. Theoretically you are right in stating conformance in HL7 is against abstract models (and communicated with versionId), but this stance is also highly unpractical. There is no automated way to check conformance against the HL7 models, nor are the HL7 models expressed in such a way that a HL7 parser can take an HL7 model, and an HL7 instance, and report (non-)conformance. In the absence of such mechanisms there are two possibilities i) abstain from automated conformance checking at all, ii) delegate those parts of conformance checking which can be done by XML Schema to XML Schema (maybe Schematron too). For users of the XML ITS, ii) seems the obvious choice to me. Why have humans dig up documents and hand-check instances against written specs when there is an automated possibility for most of this tedious work? Now if we do ii) (which we all do) then the schema versions in practice become quite important, even if the final word in conformance still lies with the HL7 models, not the schema's. With a schema version attribute it is all of a sudden possible for a receiver to return: "ERROR: You used an old schema version which I cannot accept" and "ERROR: Your instance does not validate against your indicated schema version.". Without the schema version atrribute in the instance the only possibility on this level is: "ERROR: Your instance does not validate against any of the schema versions which I accept", which is significantly less expressive. Besides, as we all know it is quite common for an instance to validate with one schema parser where validation fails with another. If both sides know directly the same schema was used, it is much easier to go straight to the heart of the problem. To quote your example: "Creating a schema version Y which disallows the use of attribute A serves as a technical aid to enforce the constraint, a change in use from schema X to Y doesn’t have any impact on systems which conform to the 2005B specification, and therefore identification of the schema version is of no relevance." You are right, when both systems conform to the 2005B spec, schema version is not relevant. But the problems occur when one of the systems involved does not conform to the 2005B spec. In practice, the receiver will find the instance does not validate against receivers' schema and return an error. The receiver will not inspect the non-validating instance to report "ERROR: You used attribute A, which is not allowed." Consequently the sender gets an error message which does not help much in locating the problem. Software is full of bugs, even in production, even in medical care, so software interactions should handle buggy situations as gracefully as possible. So yes, I do think schema version  should be communicated in the instance, not just diagnostic, but always. As for b), I think putting information in a XML-comment which can and should be used by an application is bad XML design, so it should be in an XML element or attribute. I'm not so sure which one, and I don't consider myself enough of an HL7 expert to say which one. I guess distributing versioned schemas in named and versioned schemasets, and communicating the schemaset version in the instance should be enough, so an instance would claim to validate against the relevant schemas in this schemaset. [[User:Marc de Graauw|Marc de Graauw]] 8 Jul 2006
*If between publication 2005B and 2006B a non [[Semantically Backward Compatible]] change is made to an abstract model or constraints thereupon then per the [[Interaction Versioning]] rules a new identifier has to be assigned to the artifact.
::Adding the schemaversion as a processable item would require a change to the XML ITS (versioning of schema isn't an abstract model issue, it is only relevant to the XML ITS). Pre-adoption would mean adding a new namespace and adding an attribute for schemaVersion.
*When dependent models of the [[Composite Message]] model (e.g. CMETs, Vocabulary, Datatypes) have been assigned a new version, the interaction must be assigned a new version as well.  
::Alternatively, to avoid having to do this, if we were to '''only''' release a schemaset with each publication release (e.g. 2005A, 2005B): given that profileId identifies the publication release, it would also identify the schemaset contained therein. Each instance contains a profileID (it's mandatory in [[AORTA]]) and therefore the schemaversion. [[User:Rene spronk|Rene spronk]] 02:03, 8 Jul 2006 (CDT)
Note: The UK MIM specification appears to use the version part of interaction identifiers (SSDD_INnnnnnnRRvv) to identify versions of the original artefact – irrespective of whether these changes where [[Semantically Backward Compatible]].
:If there are fixes/improvements in the schemas '''without''' changes to the model, so there relationship between publication and schemaset could be 1:n. I see the point with the processable item, so it seems there are two solutions:
:* use profileId to indicate the publication + schemaset, so a new schemaset (within the same publication) would mean a new profileId
:* take schemaversion out of the interaction into a SOAP Header. Looks nice, this SOAP Header actually describes the schema used in making it's body. [[User:Marc de Graauw|Marc de Graauw]] 8 Jul 2006
=== Digital Signature requirement ===
::You're missing the point - if one only ever releases schemasets in conjunction with a publication, then there is a 1:1 relationship between the profileId and the schemaset. Its means one would '''never''' release a schemaset in between publication cycles.  [[User:Rene spronk|Rene spronk]] 03:50, 8 Jul 2006 (CDT)
Question: what is the impact on versioning if we add the requirement (at some point in time) that all messages need to have a digital signature?
::I get the point I think, and I've been re-contemplating it for a while, and I appreciate the simplicity of the approach, but I still have doubts whether it will work in practice. There's no doubt sooner or later there will be an (urgent) fix in the schemas without a corresponding fix in the publications. A 1:1 approach means a new publication. Even when the publication is affected, and a single (small but important) aspect of the models is changed, with a single schema, rolling out an entire new publication seems overkill. What I'm looking for is a versioning policy with finer granularity, especially for patches. I seems to me profileId is perfect for this, since multiple can occur, with strongest first. So if we make a new and better schema, why could't instances claim conformance to it in a profileId: 'I conform to publication 2005B with improved schemaset 2005B-2' and next claim 'I conform to publication 2005B with the default schemaset'? [[User:Marc de Graauw|Marc de Graauw]] 9 Jul 2006, 15:00 CDT
::Simple - conformance is never expressed in terms of schema. Yes, an instance can conform to schema, but that's not what conformance is all about in HL7. Conformance is ITS independent. Therefore we either need an ITS-level solution, or put it in a SOAP header, or we have to use the above approach where the schema version can be implied by the publication version. [[User:Rene spronk|Rene spronk]] 10:16, 10 Jul 2006 (CDT)
*This is likely to be introduced as part of a specific publication cycle (let's call it 200XA). If an interaction references 200XA (or a later version) in its profileId, then it also contains a digital signature. From the moment publ,ication 200XA comes into effect all receiving applications shall reject interactions that claim conformance to publications prior to 200XA.
*The only alternative is to regard this requirement in the same manner as a change in the dependent models of the [[Composite Message]] model (e.g. CMETs, Vocabulary, Datatypes), but that would be stretching the definition of dependent models too far.

Latest revision as of 00:26, 19 January 2008

At a high level of abstraction the question is how we can ensure that the receiver of a message is aware (in as precise a way as possible) what the semantic intent of the sender was. This includes the static model and vocabulary, the dynamic model, and constraints.

If we were to specify a checklist of what a receiver should look for in order to establish the semantic intent of the sender the checklist would look as follows:

  • Message(or Batch).InteractionId: the interactionID identifies the static models (wrappers and payload(s)) and constraints placed upon them. The interactionId for normative and DSTU artifacts includes a version component which in turn refers to specific versions of the static models.
    • Note: in the "old" HL7 v3 dynamic model the interactionID also identifies the Receiver Responsibilities. In the new dynamic model interactionId doesn't have dynamic model aspects associated with it anymore.
  • Message(or Batch).realmCode: this attribute signals the imposition of Realm-specific (contextual) constraints/substitutions. The value of this attribute identifies the context in question. The constraints/substitutions defined by a realm may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId. The realmCode manages the bindings/substitutions of Valuesets and CMETs (and templates and datatype specialisations if and when substitution rules for these are agreed). Each realm has a realm owner: the owner must be an HL7 Affiliate.
    • Note that in the Dutch context this attribute won’t be used anywhere else in an interaction – if the realmCode is used at the root class of the interaction it applies to all classes in the interaction. However, in some cases, realmCode may switch within an instance. E.g. A Canadian claim message referencing a U.S. realm clinical act.
    • (Lloyd) I think there needs to be a rule that realmCode is mandatory on the root data element.
    • If a message instance contains an unknown realm, then the receiver wont be able to determine whether or not vocabulary or other parts of the instance are valid against realm constraints.
    • If an application rejects a message because because the instance asserts a realm the application supports but in a place the application didn't expect it to, that application would be considered non-conformant.
  • Message(or Batch).profileId: states the constraints (or potentially the extensions) from the standard static model (Composite Message Type) as well as the dynamic model (Communication Process Model) definition that the instance complies to and implements. When multiple profiles are specified, the message instance must be valid against all of them. However, a receiver may choose to validate against only the first one recognized. For this reason, 'preferred' or more-rigorous profiles should be listed first. The constraints defined by a Profile may not conflict with the constraints as specified by the InteractionId or the Realm.
    • Note: for v3, profiles can’t be (fully) expressed in a computable fashion yet; a MIF based mechanism has been defined but not yet confirmed and there is no tooling which yet supports it
    • A conformance profile definitely can indicate support for one or more realms. The open question is whether it should allow restricting where realm can transition.
  • Message(or Batch).versionCode: infrastructure versioning (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary -particularly structural codes-, transports) is communicated using the versionCode attribute and has values such as "2006NormativeEdition". The versionCode indicates "all infrastructure stuff that was normative as of the point and time the normative edition was released". For early adopters, it could be one of the development editions or an equivalent "packaged release" by a particular realm.
    • See Interaction Versioning for details.
    • In the case of vocabulary, some domains may be marked as "fixed at the time of publication" (e.g. all structural vocabularies) while others may be marked as "mutable", meaning that they change over time. E.g. The set of drug codes expected to be supported are those published by the local regulatory agency at a given time, rather than those which happened to exist at the time the publication was issued. The specific mechanism by which "fixed at the time of publication" vs. "mutable" will be documented in the vocabulary specifications remains to be resolved.
    • Note: the UK MIM uses this attribute to identify their publication edition, e.g. their equivalent of “2005B”. In the UK a reference to a HL7 Edition doesn’t make sense given that artifacts are inspired by, but not constrained versions of, universal artifacts as contained in an HL7 Edition.
  • InfrastructureRoot.templateID: states the constraints (or potentially the extensions) from the standard static artefact model definition that the instance complies to and implements. The constraint applies from the "point of occurrence" in the model. A sender can assert any templateID anywhere they like. It can be ignored by receivers.
    • Note: Profile ids always apply from the root of the message, templateId apply to the "point of occurence".
    • There's no reason to prohibit the declaration of any templates at all, because the declaration of non-recognized templates has no impact on the receiver. Prohibiting custom templates would be similar to prohibiting local extensions, which you're also not allowed to do.
    • If an application rejects a message because that message contains a template the application doesn't recognize, that application would be considered non-conformant.
  • InfrastructureRoot.typeId: This identifies the actual message type (wrapper, CMET, etc.) used by the sender in constructing the message. The message type applies from the "point of occurrence" in the model. A sender can assert any typeID anywhere they like. It can be ignored by receivers.
(Charlie McCay) Can a conformance profile mandate that particular values of these attributes are present. For example: If you send a weight, you will always include the profiles chosen "weight" templateId. All instances for an interaction will include the "UK" realmCode. TypeId will be populated for all payloads in the profile. My answer to this would be that the profile must be able to express such constraints, but I do not think that we have a balloted or even committee voted resolution to that effect.

InteractionId as a pre-coordinated value for most of the above

During the January 2008 WGM (MnM MON Q1/FRI Q2) the use of InteractionId in relationship to versioning and compliance was discussed. Pragmatically, in terms of identifiers/versioning we have three main identifiers:

  1. InteractionId: Next to being an identifier for the static model; it is a pre-coordinated identifier of the static model and typeId.
  2. ProfileId (if an implementable profile): Next to being an identifier for a set of constraint; it is a pre-coordinated identifier for RealmCode, versionCode (infrastructure codes; CMETs; ITS & ITS version used).
  3. TemplateId (at Message/Batch level)

AORTA, the Dutch national project will increase versionNumber of InteractionId

  • if a change in infrastructure components (CMETs, datatypes, vocabulary -particularly structural codes-, transports) was made which resulted in a change in the flattened schema of the interaction.
  • if the schema associated with new constraints made in a new Profile result in a change in the flattened schema of the interaction. I.e. if instances that are valid according to the new profileId can't be parsed by the old schema, the version is increased.

In CA, NHS the UV realm is never used, local realm identifiers are used for all constrained artefacts (i.e. in conformace terms: constrainable profiles, implementable profiles). Each and every publication cycle it is determined if there have been any changes, if so, the version number of the artefact in question increases.

Are there any advantages to using either a) UV artefacts with a profile, or b) localized realm artefacts ?

  1. Pro's of new artifact:
    • places all constraints in a single specification, simplifies testing
  2. Pro's of UV version:
    • enables determination of interoperability possibility between cross-realm applications
    • simplifies determination of forward and backward compatibility by separating constraints from syntax

Assertion: Supporting an artifact id (interactionId, typeId) means that:

  • The application uses the semantic model associated with that id (plus possible 'ignorable' extensions)
  • The application uses the syntax associated with an ITS implementation of the artifact
  • it does NOT mean full support for the content allowed by the artifact
  • definition of exactly what content is supported is determined by the profileId
  • applications MAY raise errors when instances do not declare a recognized profile or do not comply with one of the declared profiles.
  • Interoperability requires knowledge of both artifactId and profileId
  • In the absence of a profileId, the expectation is that the receiver will fully support any instance allowed by the artifact, though it may ignore elements with conformance of optional(blank) and must ignore non-supported extensions.
  • NOTE: Historical uses (e.g. CDA) may use templateId or typeId as profileId. (Suggest that profileId be added to CDA for R3)

(MNM, January 2008 WGM, MON Q2) Motion: MnM recommends to Implementation & Conformance that the above assertion be adopted and reflected in the Refinement and Localization document (Charlie/Rene 9/0/2)

Interaction versioning vs using a new Interaction

The following is true in general:

  1. A non Semantically Backward Compatible change to an artefact has to result in the use of a new artefact identifier.
  2. If instances created against the realm constraint would not validate against the UV specification (for any ITS), it must be treated as a realm artifact (a new artifact id must be issued for that realm code). NOTE: "extension" elements using foreign namespaces or other flags do not impact the above analysis because conformant applications are required to ignore them during validation.
    • In other circumstances, you MAY create a new artifact or MAY reference the UV artifact as well as a profileId with realm constraints
  3. When dependent models of the Composite Message model (e.g. CMETs, Vocabulary, Datatypes) have been assigned a new version, the interaction must be assigned a new version as well.

Open Issues

Schema versions of an interaction

Note: for the purpose of this discussion, the word "schema" is used for XML schema as well as associated schematron scripts.

Consider the following scenario:

  • The 2005B publication of AORTA contains the description of an interaction ABCD_IN000001NL and the constraints placed upon it. A schema ABCD_IN000001NL.xsd is published as well, and is published jointly with the 2005B publication. The schema is not normative, vendors are free to use other schema as long as their messages also validate against the published schema.
  • The schema may not enforce (all of) the constraints as defined in the 2005B publication (e.g. the schema is not able to enfore everything, the universal model used to generate the schema had not been localized, there is no constraints language). After publication of the 2005B cycle some changes are made to the schema to enforce some of the constraints. Note: the constraints as present in the documentation haven't changed - only the schema have been changed.

Question: do we need versioning of the schema, and to inform the receiver of the interaction what version of the schema was used?

Answer: No. The sender defines conformance against abstract models. If the 2005B specification specified that attribute A shall not be used, and schema version X allows it, a sender is not allowed to populate the attribute. Creating a schema version Y which disallows the use of attribute A serves as a technical aid to enforce the constraint, a change in use from schema X to Y doesn’t have any impact on systems which conform to the 2005B specification, and therefore identification of the schema version is of no relevance.

It is certainly important to have schema version information in the schema, and it may be useful to include this in the instance in a comment, maybe only in diagnostic mode -- senders using the wrong specification and/or old weaker schemas is a likely source of trouble in an implementation - so telling the receiver what you are using in a comment does at least provide reassurance / the opportunity to be told that there is something better that you could do. However this should certainly NOT be done using xsi:schemalocation as this may be dereferenced by receiving processors which then try to access the schema file and cause all sorts of problems (file not found errors / processing delays / extra network activity / ...) Charliemccay 05:33, 2 Jun 2006 (CDT)
Another use case is when the older version of the schema contained a bug, which is fixed in the newer version. This will not change the interaction (assuming the bug was purely in the schema). However, receivers might want to check the version of the schema used by sender, in some cases they might even refuse instances produced with the older, buggy schema. Of course having the schema version in a comment has the disadvantage that comments are harder to parse. The argument that schemas are non-normative and therefore need no versioning is in itself not valid; it is common practice in software development to do versioning of all artefacts, requirements, design documents, source code, test scripts etc. Versioning doesn't just apply to normative artefacts, but may apply to all artefacts. Marc de Graauw 9 Jun 2006
I don't think the issue is with schema versioning - any party that releases multiple versions of an object should consider a versioning system. Question is a) do we have to communicate schema versions in interaction instaces? b) if there is a need to communicate schema versions in a manner other than as an XML-comment, what element/attribute should they be in, taking into account that there may be MT-schema versions as well as IN-schema versions. Rene spronk 06:58, 9 Jun 2006 (CDT)
As for a), I strongly believe it should be communicated, for the reasons Charlie and I gave. If you do not, and you run into trouble in production, there is no quick way to rule out the use of a different (weak or buggy) schema as the source of trouble. If there is no schema version attribute in the instance, the only way to rule out schema version problems is use the phone, get some implementer at the other side, have him or her dive into their sources and find out which schemas were used. Theoretically you are right in stating conformance in HL7 is against abstract models (and communicated with versionId), but this stance is also highly unpractical. There is no automated way to check conformance against the HL7 models, nor are the HL7 models expressed in such a way that a HL7 parser can take an HL7 model, and an HL7 instance, and report (non-)conformance. In the absence of such mechanisms there are two possibilities i) abstain from automated conformance checking at all, ii) delegate those parts of conformance checking which can be done by XML Schema to XML Schema (maybe Schematron too). For users of the XML ITS, ii) seems the obvious choice to me. Why have humans dig up documents and hand-check instances against written specs when there is an automated possibility for most of this tedious work? Now if we do ii) (which we all do) then the schema versions in practice become quite important, even if the final word in conformance still lies with the HL7 models, not the schema's. With a schema version attribute it is all of a sudden possible for a receiver to return: "ERROR: You used an old schema version which I cannot accept" and "ERROR: Your instance does not validate against your indicated schema version.". Without the schema version atrribute in the instance the only possibility on this level is: "ERROR: Your instance does not validate against any of the schema versions which I accept", which is significantly less expressive. Besides, as we all know it is quite common for an instance to validate with one schema parser where validation fails with another. If both sides know directly the same schema was used, it is much easier to go straight to the heart of the problem. To quote your example: "Creating a schema version Y which disallows the use of attribute A serves as a technical aid to enforce the constraint, a change in use from schema X to Y doesn’t have any impact on systems which conform to the 2005B specification, and therefore identification of the schema version is of no relevance." You are right, when both systems conform to the 2005B spec, schema version is not relevant. But the problems occur when one of the systems involved does not conform to the 2005B spec. In practice, the receiver will find the instance does not validate against receivers' schema and return an error. The receiver will not inspect the non-validating instance to report "ERROR: You used attribute A, which is not allowed." Consequently the sender gets an error message which does not help much in locating the problem. Software is full of bugs, even in production, even in medical care, so software interactions should handle buggy situations as gracefully as possible. So yes, I do think schema version should be communicated in the instance, not just diagnostic, but always. As for b), I think putting information in a XML-comment which can and should be used by an application is bad XML design, so it should be in an XML element or attribute. I'm not so sure which one, and I don't consider myself enough of an HL7 expert to say which one. I guess distributing versioned schemas in named and versioned schemasets, and communicating the schemaset version in the instance should be enough, so an instance would claim to validate against the relevant schemas in this schemaset. Marc de Graauw 8 Jul 2006
Adding the schemaversion as a processable item would require a change to the XML ITS (versioning of schema isn't an abstract model issue, it is only relevant to the XML ITS). Pre-adoption would mean adding a new namespace and adding an attribute for schemaVersion.
Alternatively, to avoid having to do this, if we were to only release a schemaset with each publication release (e.g. 2005A, 2005B): given that profileId identifies the publication release, it would also identify the schemaset contained therein. Each instance contains a profileID (it's mandatory in AORTA) and therefore the schemaversion. Rene spronk 02:03, 8 Jul 2006 (CDT)
If there are fixes/improvements in the schemas without changes to the model, so there relationship between publication and schemaset could be 1:n. I see the point with the processable item, so it seems there are two solutions:
  • use profileId to indicate the publication + schemaset, so a new schemaset (within the same publication) would mean a new profileId
  • take schemaversion out of the interaction into a SOAP Header. Looks nice, this SOAP Header actually describes the schema used in making it's body. Marc de Graauw 8 Jul 2006
You're missing the point - if one only ever releases schemasets in conjunction with a publication, then there is a 1:1 relationship between the profileId and the schemaset. Its means one would never release a schemaset in between publication cycles. Rene spronk 03:50, 8 Jul 2006 (CDT)
I get the point I think, and I've been re-contemplating it for a while, and I appreciate the simplicity of the approach, but I still have doubts whether it will work in practice. There's no doubt sooner or later there will be an (urgent) fix in the schemas without a corresponding fix in the publications. A 1:1 approach means a new publication. Even when the publication is affected, and a single (small but important) aspect of the models is changed, with a single schema, rolling out an entire new publication seems overkill. What I'm looking for is a versioning policy with finer granularity, especially for patches. I seems to me profileId is perfect for this, since multiple can occur, with strongest first. So if we make a new and better schema, why could't instances claim conformance to it in a profileId: 'I conform to publication 2005B with improved schemaset 2005B-2' and next claim 'I conform to publication 2005B with the default schemaset'? Marc de Graauw 9 Jul 2006, 15:00 CDT
Simple - conformance is never expressed in terms of schema. Yes, an instance can conform to schema, but that's not what conformance is all about in HL7. Conformance is ITS independent. Therefore we either need an ITS-level solution, or put it in a SOAP header, or we have to use the above approach where the schema version can be implied by the publication version. Rene spronk 10:16, 10 Jul 2006 (CDT)