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FHIR valueset Page

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Welcome to "ValueSet" discussion page. Please put any comments about this page here. Contents will be reviewed periodically.


Suggested changes to FHIR resources

  • ValueSet.description -> looking for a way to make this multi-language (example: epSOS valuesets). Shouldn't need multiple instances of a valueset (with the same codes) just to be multi-language.
  • ValueSet.identifier -> how does this relate to the URL identifier for a ValueSet? E.g. When we use, is the identifier "body-site" by convention? If companies having valueset repositories merge, what happens to the references? Are we always using the identifier (no problem) or the actual URL reference (might change and then result in duplicates/clashes).
  • ValueSet.version -> should be a timestamp, why not make it "instant"
  • -> rename to functional name like "statusChanged"
  • ValueSet.expansion.contains also needs an "abstract" element.
  • ValueSet.expansion.contains why is system not 1..1 (compose & define have system 1..1)? Is that for "just" returning display, not code/codesystem? Should there then not be a rule that IF a code is given, the system is 1..1

ValueSet ART DECOR/FHIR comparison

  • status codes:
    • cancelled (=withdrawn)
    • deprecated (=superseded)
    • draft (=draft)
    • final (=production)
    • new ("to become draft, do not look at yet, alpha version")
    • rejected (=withdrawn)
    • Not in DECOR testing
    • Not in DECOR review
  • dates
    • effectiveDate (more or less the creation date, may be changed but is used to reference this version, maps to "version" in FHIR)
    • officialReleaseDate (not currently used)
    • expirationDate (not currently used)
    • Generally speaking: FHIR traces last status change, so e.g. after going "superseded", the date of publication is lost. There's one "date".
  • ValueSet composition
    • Inclusion/exclusion by means of "all", "descendant", "system", "children", not supported by DECOR for lack of usecases.