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''Current FHIR publication process''
'''''Current FHIR publication process'''''

Revision as of 03:37, 16 March 2014

Page to capture issues regarding publishing the FHIR specification.

FHIR publishing process

  • Role of FMG

As of Spring 2014, FMG has overall responsibility of ensuring that the FHIR specification is developed and published in a smooth and timely fashion. That new resources are being developed properly and reviewed appropriately and that existing resources are updated as necessary during the current (as of 2014) draft standard for trial use (DSTU) stage of FHIR's evolution. It also coordinates with appropriate subject matter work groups to develop new resources and enhance existing ones.

  • Role of publishing/tooling

Publishing in conjunction with Tooling is looking to relieve the core FHIR team members of the responsibility of the routine publication and maintenance of the FHIR specification. In conjunction with appropriate resources from HQ it will be the responsibility of publishing and tooling to ensure publication of official FHIR specifications. It will also be their responsibility to ensure access to various versions of the FHIR specification as it progresses in development.

  • Role of HQ

Current FHIR publication process

How to build the current specification for publication

graphic of current fhir publication process

Document the current process

The current process is monolithic

Involves batch files and java

Suggestions for long term FHIR publication process

Depends on target build (ballot, development, or connectathon)

Would it be useful to modularize, to support incremental builds?

Is the current process able to be modularized?

Other useful links

FHIR registry requirements

FHIR web hosting requirements

FHIR guide to authoring resources

FHIR guide to designing resources