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FHIR Agenda-Baltimore 201209 WGM

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Chesapeake B



Anapolis: Joint w/ ARB

Chair/Minutes = ARB

  • See FGB topics Friday Q3 below as discussion candidates
  • Also FHIR SAIF IG?


Chesapeake A&B

  • Tutorial: Introduction to HL7 FHIR


Executive Boardroom Joint w/ MnM

Chair/Minutes = MnM

  • schedule timeslots & hot topics
  • FHIR admin issues (co-chairs, minutes)


Chesapeake A&B

  • Tutorial: Hands on with FHIR
    • Grahame/Ewout, Lloyd second portion

Constellation EF - HL7 Activities with other SDOs

  • Lloyd 15-20 minute presentation



Convention Center Room 341

  • Tutorial: Introduction to HL7 FHIR
    • Only do this if sufficient interest. Alternatively:
  • Ballot reconcilliation


Convention Center Room 341 Host MnM

Chair=Lloyd Minutes=?


TSC co-chairs presentation



FHIR Connectathon presentation as part of TSC address - Grahame


Constellation C - Host ITS, SOA

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • ?REST and related issues?
  • FHIR Search Parameters
    • What are the conformance expectations?
    • Where should new ones be defined – profile or conformance statement?
    • Should we support sorting? How?


Constellation C - Host Tooling, V3 pubs

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • FHIR tooling & publication issues
    • How to manage publication process, ballot cycle
    • Transition of FHIR tools to Tooling oversight
    • Others?
  • FHIR microdata


Constellation C - Host Patient Administration

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host InM, ITS

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Message resource



Constellation C - Host ITS

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host Vocabulary

Chair: Lloyd Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host OO

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Diagnostic data/reports
  • OO-sponsored resources?


Baltimore - Joint Health Care Devices

Chair: Grahame Minutes: ???

  • Device & data registries



Constellation C - Host CGIT, Templates

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - Host Patient Care, Templates

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Care resources
  • Use of organizers/summary lists FHIR Workflow resources
  • If PC and Templates don't come (as is likely, given they haven't got this listed as joint), we'll do ballot reconcilliation


Constellation C - Host Structured Documents

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - SAIF Architecture Program

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • FHIR-related SAIF issues



Constellation C - Host Pharmacy WG

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Pharmacy resources & extensions


Constellation C - Host MnM

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - governance (& management?) groups

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???


Constellation C - governance (& management?) groups

Chair: ??? Minutes: ???

  • Agenda Item


Mon Q3

  • a repeat of the intro to FHIR tutorial

Mon Q4

  • ballot reconciliation - recorded in spreadsheet.
  • discusion concerning licensing and the preparation process. Recommendation forwarded to the board.
  • Discussion concerning extensions, and how they are managed
  • Ballot reconciliation for CPP

Tues Q1

  • Ballot reconciliation of connectathon issues - see spreadsheet

Tues Q2

  • Discussion conerning publishing and tooling
  • both publishing and FHIR project happy with current status
  • note concerning the need for an HL7 hosted repository - tooling to adopt this as a future requirement

Tues Q3

  • presentation from Ewout Kramer concerning PA resource issues
  • discussion around related issues:
    • do we have person and patient?
    • what is core?
    • What about related parties?
    • no decisions where made, but comments were added to the wiki
  • the project statement was received

Tues Q4

  • tutorial concerning messaging in FHIR
  • robust discussion about the reliable messaging part
    • decision to allow one of 3 responses on repeat: original response, current response, or error
    • decision to note that message content to be checked, not just id
    • add this to conformance profile
  • INM happy for FHIR to continue with the Messaging stuff, would like to be kept informed

Wed Q1

  • ballot reconciliation with regard to Json and Xml issues
  • decisions recorded in spreadsheet

Wed Q2

  • review of vocabulary resources and methodology in FHIR with the vocab committee.
  • open issues for FHIR team to work on
    • version - document extension
    • single URLs- work by duplication?
    • URI preference order for identifying code systems? (per Solbrig)
    • Formal...

Wed Q3

  • discussion of the general nature of FHIR for O-O
  • through review of the LabReport session
  • agreement that O-O would work on diagnostic reports
  • other things to follow later

Wed Q4

  • FHIR met with devices - refer to device minutes
  • a general discussion of FHIR, and an agreement to work on a resource for describing Device Capabilities
  • possible resources discussed:
  • Device (identifies - attribution)
    • carry unit
    • assigned to designated patient
    • photo
  • DeviceDescription (describes the capabilities of the device)
    • network interaction capabilities
    • clinical capabilities
  • DeviceCommand
    • asks a device to do something
  • DeviceCommandResponse
    • report outcome of command
  • DeviceReport
    • provide information from a device about clinical world
  • device orientated views
    • clinical perspective
    • organisation/asset management
    • Device internal perspective

Thurs Q1

  • Discussion about requiring conformance statements - decided to make them required to claim conformance
  • decided to allow events to be defined in profiles (same info as in standard, along with reference to IG)
  • map events to equivalent HL7 v2 event
  • decided to toast the proposal for Conformance levels for now
  • brief discussion about the running question of whether to include profile ids in the resource. Comparison to the situation with CDA with which we have considerable experience.
  • demonstration of art-decor
    • agreement to consider whether we can express CDA templates in FHIR Profile resource instances. Kai to nominate a few good examples, Grahame to have a go.

Thurs Q2

Problem/Diagnosis - A concern with it's related observations

  • Diagnosis : CodeableConcept
  • Problem Type (examples:- diagnosis | problem | condition | finding | concern - dig around in snomed / cf with CCDA / ContSys)
  • Status x 2 : code?? (CCDA - active, inactive. openEHR - provisional / working / final)
  • Onset - Date | Age
  • certainty : codeableConcept | %
  • DateOfDiagnosis - Date
  • resolution / remission - Boolean | Age | Date
  • Severity - CodeableConcept
  • Clinical Stage/Grade
    • summary - CodeableConcept (0..1)
    • assesssment - Resource(Any) (0..*)
  • SupportingEvidence - codeableConcept | Resource(Any) (0..*) (Diagnostic criteria)
  • AnatomicalLocation - codeableConcept | Resource(AnatomicalLocation)
  • RelatedItem
    • Relationship = causedBy | follows
    • Target - Resource(Problem/Diagnosis|Procedure|Substance)

Thurs Q3

 Lloyd Mackenzie  Hl7 Canada
 Patrick Loyd   ICOPE
 Gaye Dolin    Lantana
 Bob Dolin   Lantana
 Bob Milius   NMDP
 Gaby Jewell  Cerner
 Jeff Brown    Kernodle Clinic
 Vin Sekar     NEHTA
 Sarah Gaunt   Lantana
 Frank Oemig   Agfa
 Ann Wrightson HL7 UK
 Cheng Jian Che  Lantana
 Rick Geimer    Lantana
 Kristi Eckerson  Emory University
 Amnon Shabo  IBM Research
 Anil Luthra  HL7 ?
 Peter Gilbert  Covisint
 Juggi Jugannathan MModal
 Ann Smith NCQA
 David Hay  Orion Health
 Peter Sergent   HL7 NZ
 Mark Shafarman Shafarman Consulting
 Adel Ghlamallah   Canada Health Infoway
 Zeshen Rajput   Accenture
 Jingdong Li    Lantana
 Vinayak Kulkarni  Siemens
 Austin Kreisler   SAIC
 Calvin Beebe      Mayo
 Grahame Grieve    Health Intersections P/L
 Dale Nelson       Lantana
 Tim McNeil        Surescripts
 Gordon Raup       Datuit
 Michael Massery   Dolbey Co
 Lisa R Nelson     Cox
 Mike Lamoureux    ?

  • thorough review of FHIR clinical document model
    • need to align xhtml between proposed CDA R3 and FHIR
    • what happens with header narrative - must it be presented?
    • what is required for document conversion from CDA R2/R3
    • move discussion and analysis required

Thurs Q4

  • Met with DICOM - planned to share FHIR ballot with DICOM