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DoF 2017-05-24

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Meeting Information

NOTE: Updated with HL7 FreeConferenceCall Info
Online Meeting
ID: devicesonfhir
Dial-in Number
United States: (605) 475-4793
Access Code: 399374
International Dial-in Numbers:


  • TBD

Regrets: Note: HIMSS PCHA Meetings in Vienna may conflict with this call.


  • Introductions, Agenda Review, etc.
  • Approve Minutes from previous call -- 2017.05.17
  • Madrid 2017.05 Connectathon Example Review (Rhoads)
  • (TBD) Review gForge tracker items addressed during Madrid meetings
  • Publication of DoF Profiling / IG Artifacts (Cooper)
  • New Business
  • Next F2F meetings
  • September 9-15, 2017 San Diego, CA @ HL7 WGM (+ FHIR Connectathon)