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Da Vinci CDex FHIR IG Proposal

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Da Vinci Clinical Data Exchange

Owning work group name (Sponsor)

Patient Care Work Group

Committee Approval Date:

Please enter the date that the committee approved this IGproposal

Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

Structured Documents

FHIR Development Project Insight ID

Scope of coverage

This Implementation Guide (IG) will define how to utilize exchange methods (push, pull, triggers, subscription) and other interoperability "standards" (e.g. CDS Hooks and SMART on FHIR) to effectively exchange clinical information captured by care providers in electronic health record (EHR) systems with payers responsible for the health plan used by a specific patient or a set of patients or with other providers where a patient has been referred for additional services. The IG defines specific use of FHIR resources to represent the information being exchanged, including the provenance of the data.

IG Purpose

To transform and accelerate the shift in care delivery models toward a focus on health outcomes and value, provider and payer systems need standard ways to bi-directionally share electronic clinical, payer, and quality measure information.

The goal of this project is to rapidly improve available computer processing methods that can be used between payers, providers, and service supplier systems. The project will accelerate the shift toward value-based care and support value-based reimbursement models. More efficient and effective exchange of health record information will improve coordinated care and network performance, increase operational efficiencies, improve delivery of patient care and care outcomes, and reduce the burden of quality reporting.

Content location

Proposed IG realm and code


Maintenance Plan

The Da Vinci project intends to provide ongoing support of this implementation guide.

Short Description

Provider data exchange with Payers and other Providers to improve care coordination, support risk adjustment, ease quality management, facilitate claims auditing and confirm medical necessity, improve member experience, and support orders and referrals.

Long Description

Involved parties

Expected implementations

Content sources

Example Scenarios

IG Relationships


When IG Proposal Is Complete

When you have completed your proposal, please send an email to

FMG Notes