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CQL-based HQMF STU3 Errata Update Comment Page

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Revision as of 18:32, 29 August 2018 by FEisenberg (talk | contribs)
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Updated content in the CQL-based HQMF STU3 Errata Update

  • This update includes minor errata changes to Volume 3 templates. The errata addressed including STU comments to HL7 Version 3 Implementation Guide: Clinical Quality Language (CQL)-based Health Quality Measure Format (HQMF), Release 1, STU 3 - US Realm approved as errata and persuasive as of August 17, 2018. This includes changes to update to QDM 5.4 errata, specifically:
    • addition of "days supplied" attribute for Medication, Order; Medication, Dispensed; and Medication, Discharge
    • addition of "prescriber identifier" attribute for Medication, Order; Medication, Dispensed (basically new guidance to use existing "participant" content in the existing templates)
    • addition of "dispenser identifier" attribute for Medication, Dispensed (basically new guidance to use existing "participant" content in the existing templates)

Comments regarding STU3 Errata update