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==Monday Q3 (13:45-15:00, Room: Apogée 6)==
==Monday Q3 (13:45-15:00, Room: Apogée 6)==
#Administrative (max. 5 minutes)
#*Approval of the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, vailable at [[AID 201501 Minutes]].
*Rene Spronk, Ringholm
*Eric Poiseau, INRIA
*Ron Archamboult, Infor
*Viet Nguyen, Systems Made Simple
*Oliver Krauss, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
*Jan Jasinski, Nortal
*Charles parisot, GE Healthcare
*Igor Bossenko, Nortal
*Michael van der Zel, UMCG
*Bertil Reppen, Apertura
*Rien Wertheim, Furore
#*Rene calls to order at 13:55
#*Approval of the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, as available at [[AID 201501 Minutes]].
#**MOTION to approve the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, as available at [[AID 201501 Minutes]]. (Charles/Ron, 6-0-1)
#*Review of the informal minutes of the February out-of-cycle meeting held in Prague, available at [[AID 201502 Agenda]].
#*Review of the informal minutes of the February out-of-cycle meeting held in Prague, available at [[AID 201502 Agenda]].
#Validation of CDA using the Gazelle ObjectChecker (Eric Poiseau, IHE Europe) (max 30 minutes)
#Validation of CDA using the Gazelle ObjectChecker (Eric Poiseau, IHE Europe)  
#*Discussion of the capabilities of this validation tool
#*Discussion of the capabilities of this validation tool
#*IHE Europe wrote a paper (entitled: "Model-based Analysis (by IHE Europe) of HL7 CDA R2 Conformance and Requirements Coverage") in which they determine the ability of the various CDA validation tools to support full CDA validation. See [ Video], [ academic paper], [ blogpost about this work].
#*IHE Europe wrote a paper (entitled: "Model-based Analysis (by IHE Europe) of HL7 CDA R2 Conformance and Requirements Coverage") in which they determine the ability of the various CDA validation tools to support full CDA validation. See [ Video], [ academic paper], [ blogpost about this work].
#Approval of the updated [[Software Implementation of CDA]] whitepaper (max. 10 minutes)
#Approval of the updated [[Software Implementation of CDA]] whitepaper  
#*MOTION To approve the  [[Software Implementation of CDA]] whitepaper, acknowledging that its contents reflect the current CDA implementation best practices. The approval will be up for renewal one year from today.
#*MOTION To approve the  [[Software Implementation of CDA]] whitepaper, acknowledging that its contents reflect the current CDA implementation best practices. The approval will be up for renewal one year from today. (Charles/Ron, 10-0-1)
#Use of IHE tooling to support FHIR testing (Eric Poiseau, IHE Services) (max 30 minutes)
#Use of IHE tooling to support FHIR testing (Eric Poiseau, IHE Services) (max 30 minutes)
#*Use of Gazelle tooling, both to support conformance/validation testing, as well as to support the organizational testing process at the FHIR connectathons. FHIR connectathons are getting more structured and organized now that uptake has increased and DSTU 2 has been published. IHE has ample experience in organizing connectathons, where Eric acts as one of the core technical managers.
#*Use of Gazelle tooling, both to support conformance/validation testing, as well as to support the organizational testing process at the FHIR connectathons. FHIR connectathons are getting more structured and organized now that uptake has increased and DSTU 2 has been published. IHE has ample experience in organizing connectathons, where Eric acts as one of the core technical managers.
#Meeting adjourned at 15:10
==Wednesday Q4 (15:30-17:00, Room: Apogée 6)==
==Wednesday Q4 (15:30-17:00, Room: Apogée 6)==

Revision as of 14:28, 11 May 2015

This is the agenda of the AID HL7 'user group' for the WGM in Paris (May 2015)

Monday Q3 (13:45-15:00, Room: Apogée 6)


  • Rene Spronk, Ringholm
  • Eric Poiseau, INRIA
  • Ron Archamboult, Infor
  • Viet Nguyen, Systems Made Simple
  • Oliver Krauss, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences
  • Jan Jasinski, Nortal
  • Charles parisot, GE Healthcare
  • Igor Bossenko, Nortal
  • Michael van der Zel, UMCG
  • Bertil Reppen, Apertura
  • Rien Wertheim, Furore


  1. Administrative
    • Rene calls to order at 13:55
    • Approval of the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, as available at AID 201501 Minutes.
      • MOTION to approve the minutes of the January WGM in San Antonio, as available at AID 201501 Minutes. (Charles/Ron, 6-0-1)
    • Review of the informal minutes of the February out-of-cycle meeting held in Prague, available at AID 201502 Agenda.
  2. Validation of CDA using the Gazelle ObjectChecker (Eric Poiseau, IHE Europe)
    • Discussion of the capabilities of this validation tool
    • IHE Europe wrote a paper (entitled: "Model-based Analysis (by IHE Europe) of HL7 CDA R2 Conformance and Requirements Coverage") in which they determine the ability of the various CDA validation tools to support full CDA validation. See Video, academic paper, blogpost about this work.
  3. Approval of the updated Software Implementation of CDA whitepaper
    • MOTION To approve the Software Implementation of CDA whitepaper, acknowledging that its contents reflect the current CDA implementation best practices. The approval will be up for renewal one year from today. (Charles/Ron, 10-0-1)
  4. Use of IHE tooling to support FHIR testing (Eric Poiseau, IHE Services) (max 30 minutes)
    • Use of Gazelle tooling, both to support conformance/validation testing, as well as to support the organizational testing process at the FHIR connectathons. FHIR connectathons are getting more structured and organized now that uptake has increased and DSTU 2 has been published. IHE has ample experience in organizing connectathons, where Eric acts as one of the core technical managers.
  5. Meeting adjourned at 15:10

Wednesday Q4 (15:30-17:00, Room: Apogée 6)

  1. Administrative
  2. Discussion with the Implementers Project Team (Hans Buitendijk, ...) (max 50 minutes)
    • The Implementers Project Team is a board taskforce (of which AID is not a member) that has been created to explore how HL7 could engage the implementer community.
    • Whilst they are also focused on things like 'adding a new membership category' many of their suggestions are akin to things that AID already does, or things it should perhaps be doing.
    • See their last meeting minutes for details.
  3. Whitepaper review: List of AID Whitepapers
  4. Review of the AID SWOT
  5. Projects AID Project List

Wednesday Q6 (19:00-21:00, Room: Apogée 2, hosted by EST)

  • Tooling demo, 7-9 pm
  • See agenda of EST for details.

Sunday Q3/Q4 (13:45-17:00, Room: Apogée 7, hosting FHIR)

This session is reserved for presentations related to FHIR implementation experiences.

  1. Administrative (max. 5 minutes)
    • Call to order at 13:45
    • Rene: as per our DMP I request premission to video record the various presentations.
  2. Use of the FHIR Terminology Resources, building FHIR in XQuery in eXist-db (Alexander Henket, Nictiz, NL) (max. 20 minutes)
    • Nictiz has developed a tool (kind of a terminology server) based on the FHIR Terminology resources. Alexander will discuss its architecture.
  3. Mapping HL7 V2 to FHIR resources (Kevin Paschke, Heidelberg, DE / Simone Heckmann, Health-Comm, DE) (max. 20 minutes)
    • ..and resolving the problem of updating resources of which we don't know the URL.
  4. FHIR Profile based web form generation using XForms, exist-DB and a CTS2 based Terminology Service (Ben Kraufmann, Fraunhofer FOKUS, DE) (max. 20 minutes)
    • Fraunhofer FOKUS has developed a concept for the German Electronic Notification System for Infection Protection that is partially based on FHIR.
  5. Lithuanian National Health Record System built on FHIR (Jan Jasinski, Nortal Ltd, Estonia) (max. 20 minutes)
    • This talk will share FHIR experience gained during development of Lithuanian National Health Record System. Nortal has an unique position in this project - the company is responsible for developing both integration standard, central system and client software for Hospitals that are running Nortal HIS.
  6. Model based code generation using FHIR and Naked Objects (Oliver Kraus, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, AT) (max. 20 minutes)
  7. Experiences using FHIR, and FHIR combined with Webservervices (Benoit Schoeffler, Guillaume Rossignol, Almerys, FR) (max. 20 minutes)
    • They'll demonstrate their application (which is based on FHIR Webservices) and talk about the process that they went through in learning FHIR and the environment they see FHIR working in.
  8. fhirbase (Николай Рыжиков [Nicola], RU)
    • Small presentation about fhirbase - open source storage for FHIR resources in PostgreSQL - why we've made fhirbase, project structure, implementation details and challenges, future project road map.
  9. Medical Coding in Norway using FHIR" (Christer Brinchmann, DIPS, NO)
    • DIPS has developed an integration solution for registering medical coding entries using FHIR and Norwegian profiles. External parties are able to add or delete Diagnoses and Procedures for a patient. A profile validator has been written to ensure that incoming resources adhere to the profiles.
  10. Summary and Discussion
    • Discussion of the good and the bad when it comes to FHIR and the FHIR implementation process.
    • Andy: I noticed today, and at earlier connectathons this year, that there is less focus on OAuth and authentication in general. I'm concerned that such an essential component of a real-world solution isn't being tested by more participants. It could be that authentication is contrary to the open spirit if a connectathon.
      • Rene: tomorrow we'll have Eric Poiseau as one of our speakers (the manager / tool creator behind Gazell, a tool that supports IHE connectathons). At some point in time, when FHIR is more mature, we'll need a more formal testing processs, and like IHE, this also means one will have to test the authentication stuff.
      • David: this time around we had 'track coordinators', we're gradually moving towards a more formal connectathon.
      • Andy: we're moving away from exploratory programming, we need more production ready applications, want them to be realistic.
      • David: we just had DSTU2 published, which means the current connectathon is about improving the standard.
    • Paul Knapp: there may be issues with id being the main resource identifier instead of the identifier attribute. DigSig would break if a server assigns a new id, it may break if the identifier changes.
      • Rene: there are some other issues around this focus on id, some of which we learned from todays v2-FHIR transformation track.
  11. FORGE Update - publishing profiles (Michel Rutten, Furore, NL)
    • Michel presented some of the new profile publishing features of FORGE (the #SIMPLIFIER profile editor)
  12. Meeting adjourned at 16:55