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AID 201401 Agenda

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This is the agenda of the AID HL7 User Group, which will meet during the WGM in San Antonio January 19-24, 2014.

Tues Q6 (19:00-21:00)

  • Tooling presentations; Hosted by Tooling
  • See Tooling Agenda for details.

Wed Q4 (15:30-17:00)

  1. Administrative agenda items (max 40 minutes)
    • Announcements
      • Rene: as per our DMP, I hereby announce my intent to record (video) some of the presentations; provided there are no objections.
    • approval of the agenda
    • Approval of the minutes of the Amsterdam out-of-cycle meeting
    • Approval of the scheduled AID out-of-cycle meetings
      • MOTION to approve of the organization of the following three out of cycle meetings: one to be held in May in Canada; another to be held in the Netherlands on June 3rd; and one to be held in Amsterdam on November 27th.
    • Review of the agenda for the week
    • Change e-mail listserv name
      • MOTION to request that HL7 HQ change the name of the listserv to, with the changeover date to be agreed between the co-chairs and the HL7 webmaster. Note that there are no redirects, so once the listserv name is changed that users using the old name will receive no redirection and no bounce-backs (spam rules don't allow us to do bounce backs).
    • Discussion whether or not to organize one full days worth of 'users sharing implementation experiences' after each and every HL7 connectathon (currently: FHIR connectathons)
      • Rene: this could be either the monday of the WGM (also at plenary meetings), or sunday PM as long as FHIR connectathons are scheduled for the saturday-sunday of the WGM.
      • MOTION the AID HL7 User Group regards the participants of a HL7 connectathon to be part of its target audience and hence would like to facilitate the exchange of best practices between the connectathon participants by organizing an AID meeting in conjunction with the connecthon, i.e. Sunday Q3/Q4 for the forseeable future.
    • Review of AID Activtities
    • During its Sunday Q3 meeting, MnM added the following wording to its minutes: "Rik raised the issue of how to populate IVL_TS. M&M does not normally provide instance implementation guidance. That perhaps could be something that AID (formerly RIMBAA) does."
  2. FHIR-enabling existing applications (Robert Worden, Open Mapping Software, UK) (max 30 mins)
    • Most existing FHIR servers are Greenfields implementations – with a new database, new code, etc. But as FHIR takes off, there will be a big demand to FHIR-enable existing applications. Probably most FHIR servers will be of this form?
    • There is now an Open Source Toolkit to do this – to build a FHIR server on any healthcare application which has a relational database. It is being used to FHIR-enable the PAS at a London NHS Hospital. The good news is – you don’t need to write new code to do it (at least for a read-only server). It is done by mapping the application database onto FHIR logical models for resources, and so can be very quick to do. (FHIR searches generate SQL retrievals; you don’t need to code them)
    • Open Mapping Software is an open source toolkit that can also be used to FHIR-enable existing applications. For two small demo servers built in this way, and for links to the tools, instructions, etc., see
    • Robert will cover the mapping approach between legacy databases and FHIR, and he'll discuss using a FHIR search on multiple servers at once.
  3. Mapping FHIR-documents to CDA and vice versa (Robert Worden, Open Mapping Software, UK, see for draft slides) (max 20 mins)
    • Will CDA and FHIR be competing standards in the document space – or can they work together, to the benefit of both?
      • Meaningful use of CDA requires matching between data from the CDA and data from local EHRs
      • FHIR is the best simple data format for this matching
      • This requires a CDA-FHIR bridge, to extract information from a CDA as FHIR resources
      • This will promote the adoption of both CDA and FHIR.

Thu Q3 (13:45-15:00 hosting the Tooling WG)

  1. Administrative agenda items (max 5 minutes)
    • approval of the agenda
  2. Tooling aspects (max 30 minutes)
    1. Evaluation/promotion of implementation oriented tools (see Tools for RIM based software development, our scope has widened however)
    2. Creating 'implementation packages' of HL7 standard publications, software processable expressions thereof that can be used for source coude generation, as well as other related implementation tools and toolkits.
      • AID has passed a motion that states we think the publication (by HL7) of such packages would be a good idea. Whom do we need to convince within the organization, what would it mean in practical terms, to create such packages for e.g. HL7v2, CDA, etc.?
  3. Implementing Natural Language Processing (NLP) (Peter Haug, Intermountain Healthcare, US) (Max 25 minutes)
    • Peter has implemented NLP, and will discuss some of the implementation aspects.
    • Natural Language Processing (NLP) in medicine is the subject of a great deal of discussion and research. People have used this technology to extract knowledge from the medical literature, to assist in indexing and summarizing clinical reports, to extract information for research and for clinical care, and to assist in the process of generating medical billing. There are a number of useful applications which rely on NLP.
    • Our experience at Intermountain Healthcare is principally in the realm of information extraction. We have used these tools to support research and in clinical settings as a part of computerized decision support systems. In this environment, a variety of different technologies can be applied.
  4. NLP implentation issues (Heather Grain, AU) (max 20 minutes)
    • Heather has worked with NLP implementations for snomed and icd with a product called the SmartTermer.
    • She'll give an explanation of implentation issues that were encounted.

Monday Q3, Minutes

Workgroup Date/Time Location Chair/Scribe
AID HL7 User Group 2014-01-20,
San Antonio, USA Chair/Scribe: Rene Spronk


  1. Rene Spronk, Ringholm (chair/scribe)
  2. Peter Hendler, KP
  3. Dave Shaver, Corepointhealth
  4. Robert Worden, HL7 UK
  5. Do Yan Lee, IHIS
  6. Joon Hyan Song, IHIS
  7. Michael van der Zel, UMCG
  8. Andy Stechishin
  9. Galen Mulrooney, VA
  10. Ron Parker, HL7 Canada
  11. Justin Fyfe, Mohawk College
  12. Abtoni Shakid, HI3 Solutions
  13. Taria Altaf, HI3 Solutions
  14. Jeffrey Ting, Systems Made Simple Inc.
  15. Rik Smithies, HL7 UK
  16. Lloyd McKenzie, HL7 Canada
  17. Claude Nanto, Cognitive Medical
  18. Steve Fine, Cerner
  19. Josh Mandel, Boston Childrens Hospital
  20. Taf Fattani, HI3 Solutions
  21. Tony Mallia, Edmond Sci


  1. Rene calls to order at 13:45
  2. Administrative agenda items
    • Announcements
      • Rene: as per our DMP, I hereby announce my intent to record (video) some of the presentations; provided there are no objections.
      • Rene: there is election this week for an AID co-chair position. Please vote!
    • Approval of the agenda, as well as the agenda for the week
  3. Implementing FHIR resource profiles (Tony Mallia, Edmond SCI, US, see for his presentation, and for a video recording of his presentation)
    • There is some work I would like to share on implementing FHIR resource profiles and detailed models as supplemental XML schemas. It sounds like this might be an opportunity to drill down on this area of specification and testing since there are many ways to construct FHIR resource payloads and for exchanges there needs to be a method of unification. The main focus of this technique is in the validation operation.
    • I will be sharing research and experimentation on using supplemental XML schemas to precisely define FHIR Resources using the example of Blood Pressure Observation. It is also possible that these schemas can be used as input to transformation tools to define precise sources or targets.
    • In lieu of textual minutes, a video recording of the presentation (with some questions/discussion edited out) can be found at
    • Discussion/questions:
      • Michael: I worked on the FHIR toolkit to create UML from the FHIR definitions, not from the schema. Lloyd: should generate from the profiles, not from shema. Robert: I tranform profiles into eCore. Tony: that's fine, there are different ways of getting there.
      • Tony, showing a schema fragment (typedobservation.xsd), Extension has zero multiplicity. Lloyd: that's not valid, you have to have the ability to have extensions. Tony: will change that, next level of experimentation.
      • So upon receipt of a FHIR instance, one transforms the instance to a decorated variant that includes xsi:type definitions, those in turn are used to validate the instance.
      • Tony: aha, we could add an extension to the resource profile at the pint of slicing, to identify the xsi:type. Cool.
  4. Supporting FHIR dcuments and REST using BizTalk 2013 (Vikas Bhardwaj/Howard Edidin, US)
    • Not presented, the speaker was not present.
  5. Having sunday afternoon AID meetings
    • Rene (as a heads up) announces that AID has the intent to organize meetings on Sunday Q3/Q4 (directly after the connctathon) to exchange FHIR-specific implementation best practices. A formal motion related to this is likely to be accepted on Wednesday of this week.
    • Those in the room generally think this would be a good idea.
  6. Meeting adjourned at 14:45