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2016 02 03 Minutes - CQF Data Model Call

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  • Ann Phillips (NQF)
  • Ashley McCrea (ESAC)
  • Ashley Swain (ESAC)
  • Bryn Rhodes (Database Consulting)
  • Chad Armstrong (Evnance)
  • Claude Nanjo (Cognitive)
  • Finnie Flores (Canadian Institute for Health Information)
  • Floyd Eisenberg (iParsimony)
  • Jay Lyle (JP Systems)
  • Jeff Kilpatrick (McKesson)
  • Ken Kawamoto (University of Utah)
  • M'Lynda Owens (Cognosante)
  • Yan Heras (ESAC)


  • Discuss Modeling Initiatives with respect to demonstration at HL7 WGM in Montreal (May 2016).
  • CIMI Coordination Steps
  • Other CDS and CQI WG activities

Demonstration options for HL7 WGM in Montreal:

  • Claude Nanjo reviewed the proposed FHIR Connectathon project, Real-Time Decision Support for Neonatal Care: An Opportunity for Developing Standards-Based, Implementable Data Models & Semantics. [Proposal:]
  • The group agreed with the project concept and to move forward coordinating with CIMI, SOA and other workgroups to build clinically-relevant health IT infrastructure to enhance the quality of care provided. The subject proposed is hyperbilirubinemia in the neonate.
  • Claude and Emory (who was unable to join the call today) will investigate potential hyperbilirubinemia management measures and their owners to evaluate appropriate content for the scenario. Claude, Emory and Floyd will review options before the next call. Options include:
    • Create an ad hoc measure for the purpose of the demonstration.
    • Re-engineer an existing hyperbilirubinemia measure using QUICK as the data model and CQL as the expression language with approval of the measure developer that the intent of the measure is met.
    • Create a more simplified hybrid measure based on one that exists for the purpose of demonstration given the short time period before the Connectathon.

Other CQI and CDS WG Activities:

  • FHIR-Based Clinical Quality Framework (CQF on FHIR) - Ken, Bryn and Floyd confirmed the September FHIR CDS and FHIR eCQM ballot comment resolution is complete. The FHIR eCQM comment resolution spreadsheet was uploaded to the ballot site in December. Ken will check on the FHIR CDS reconciliation spreadsheet. The two previous projects are merging into a single FHIR-Based Clinical Quality Framework (CQF on FHIR) ballot for comment in May 2016.

Next Steps

  • Claude will present more detail about the potential measure and scenario at the next call
  • Following review of the measure and clinical decision support options, determine what CIMI models exist or need development and how to move forward.