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2016-01-25 Rx Conf Call

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Attendees to be updated

  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • Jose Costa Texeira
  • John Hatem
  • Marla Albitz (Scribe)
  • Lee Suprenant
  • Chris Nickerson
  • Scott Robertson
  • Michelle Miller

Renaming MedicationOrder (Lloyd)

FHIR Workflow Meetings Status

Action item:  Scott - find / asked for / create(?) a 1-pager explanation of what the business need and proposed solution.
  • Status?

FHIR Ballot Discussion Items

A = Dosage Related     B = Terminology     
C = Misc               D =
E = Examples           F = Multiple indications/reason for order
G = Status             H = Medication Related
I = Mappings
  • 8778
    • options proposed by Chris - to be reviewed
  • 9227
    • discussed with FHIR - Tuesday Q2 in Orlando - change to codeable concept or reference to resource

Other FHIR Items

  • Build Error Items - Marla/Michelle/Rik
    • 9367
    • 9368
    • 9369
    • 9370


Catalogue PSS

  • Jose to draft the start of a PSS

ARB Project

  • no recent calls. ARB doing a survey to find a day/time for call
  • to develop mapping between FHIR and RIM
  • will probably have informal discussion in Orlando

Joint Meeting with ISO/IHE Pharmacy

Action:  Melva to check on availability of meeting room in Montreal

Template Work

  • Kai to let Pharmacy know when ready for review

NCCN template orders

Other business

Next meeting

  • Next meeting Monday, February 3, 2016