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20150901US Realm SC Call

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US Realm Steering Committee Call Agenda/Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#

Date: 2015-09-01
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Co-Chairs Ed/Ken Note taker(s) Anne
Attendee / Name
x Calvin Beebe x Keith Boone x Hans Buitendijk
x Lorraine Constable x Johnathan Coleman x Ed Hammond
Tony Julian x Paul Knapp x Austin Kreisler
Ken McCaslin Brian Pech x John Quinn
Pat Van Dyke x Anne Wizauer x Sandra Stuart
Visitor / Name
x Zach May x Lisa Nelson x Lisa Nelson
no quorum definition



  • Agenda review
  • Review notes from 20150825_US_Realm_SC_Call
  • Action Items
    • Revisit Lorraine’s motion to withdraw the material that Grahame asked us to withdraw, then future calls will focus on the remaining open items (this is a vote from two weeks ago that never formally occurred).
    • USRSC needs to create a streamline DMP as the default DMPs eVote criteria isn’t useful for USRSC as they meet each week


  • Discussion Topics:
  • Approval Items:
    • OO Work Group PSS Review: Pastoral Care Order/Observations at Project Insight 1194 and Tracker 8579
    • SD PSS review: HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Personal Emergency, Critical, and Advance Care Plan Document, Release 1 at TSC Tracker 8614
    • SD PSS Review: Occupational Data for Health Elements in Consolidated CDA at TSC Tracker 8615


*No followup necessary on Lorraine's motion
  • DMP - Ed will work on
  • Edits were made to slide deck with FGB's response to ONC. Reviewed edited deck.
    • Discussion over lack of editors/other volunteer resources. Suggestion to add item to newsletter.
    • There is a desire to support the problem and come up with solution and EC is considering budget issues as far as underwriting resources. Need to make sure our standards and processes are sustainable and maintainable.
    • Discussion over fragility of publishing process
    • Anne to send Johnathan the slides. Paul asks if all issues have been addressed? Johnathan states he'll take the slides back to colleagues for comment and will let us know if the comments are complete. Lorraine suggests bringing specific ballot items to FGB.
  • Pastoral Care project:
    • Hans will reach out to Ken to find out if he has secured international interest.
  • Lisa Nelson here to discuss HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: Personal Emergency, Critical, and Advance Care Plan Document, Release 1. It covers what we think of as advanced directives. Discussion over advanced directive vs. advanced care plan; Ed notes this project needs to work out which they are doing. Lisa states they may end up with a more refined name. Coming through US Realm first because content is the focus.
    • MOTION by Austin to approve; Paul seconds.
    • VOTE: All in favor.
  • Zach May here to discuss Occupational Data for Health Elements in Consolidated CDA. Zach describes the project . Changes to be included in the next version of the C-CDA. Will facilitate the capture of occupational data for health into EHRs and PHRs. IHE has not yet approved it, nor has Structured Documents. Is Structured Documents the right place for this project? Discussion over CDC involvement, with going straight into C-CDA with a variety of data sets.
    • MOTION by Calvin to send back to Structured Docs with advice to change goal of updating C-CDA to creating a separate IG. Second by Paul with amendment that IG would be a domain IG created by PHER.
    • VOTE: All in favor.
  • Adjourned at 1:50 pm Eastern