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20121217 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
web meeting

Date: 2012-12-17
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Hugh Glover Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 4 yes
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio regrets Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
x Lorraine Constable John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Austin Kreisler
x David Hay


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20121210 FMG concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • David will send a reminder that connectathon space is limited, first come first serve please sign up on wiki
      • David will draft something for eNews about the Connectathon for review by the group and for Andrea at HQ
      • Ron will have some precepts reviewed by FGB on Wednesday and send by Thursday to FMG
      • Lynn will add expectation of FMG liaison roles to Monday night agenda.
      • Lloyd will provide a slide to Austin for use Tuesday morning on expectation of FHIR liaison roles.
      • Ron will take a proposal to the FGB for the documentation of an IHE approach to simulate the MOU with DICOM on working through an HL7 WG.
      • Lloyd will draft an email to PC cochairs proposing approach regarding PC resource development
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
    • FGB
    • MnM
    • Liaisons
  • Process management
    • Developing FMG Management Methodology - see FHIR Methodology Process and FHIR Guide to Designing Resources
      • Has everyone reviewed?
      • Further thoughts on approach/organization?
      • Identify high priority methodology topics
    • FHIR Design patterns - see FHIR Design Patterns
      • Prioritization of methodology elements
      • Process for "formally approving" guidelines and determining strength of enforcement
    • Ballot content review and QA process FHIR QA Guidelines
      • What are our plans for QA next ballot?
    • Ballot Planning
      • What are timelines for ballot?
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


Convened at 1:04 PM

  • Agenda Check – Lorraine wishes to add review of the OO Resource PSS Approved Lloyd/David move/second approval of agenda; unanimously approved.
  • Minutes from 20121210 FMG concall Lorraine moves and Lloyd seconds approval; unanimously approved
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • David will send a reminder that connectathon space is limited, first come first serve please sign up on wiki - done
      • David will draft something for eNews about the Connectathon for review by the group and for Andrea at HQ - done
      • Ron will have some precepts reviewed by FGB on Wednesday and send by Thursday to FMG – outstanding; Hugh will remind him by email
      • Lynn will add expectation of FMG liaison roles to Monday night agenda - done
      • Lloyd will provide a slide to Austin for use Tuesday morning on expectation of FHIR liaison roles – outstanding; will do this week.
      • Ron will take a proposal to the FGB for the documentation of an IHE approach to simulate the MOU with DICOM on working through an HL7 WG – outstanding. Austin reports the FGB discussed and are looking at a quarter to review such an arrangement.
      • Lloyd will draft an email to PC cochairs proposing approach regarding PC resource development – done; it was generally accepted by PC and Grahame seeks time to discuss with them at the WGM.
  • Jean joins
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian) David notes no real update; small number of attendees registered. Remote access was requested.
    • FGB – no report
    • MnM – no report
    • Liaisons – Hugh notes mobile health has mentioned FHIR in passing and they are aware of it but no activity. Lloyd asks if everyone has looked at the signup. He also updated a list of responsibilities at FMG Liaisons. Attending all their liaison f2f meetings would be difficult; should be indicated that only if possible. Austin notes that if you identify yourself as a liaison there may be confusion; they will assume you will do the heavy lifting for them. Maybe identify as a "coordinator".
      • He'll be checking next week to ensure the assignees have enrolled in the listserv for the assigned WGs.
  • PSS from OO
    • Using old template, the new one has not been updated for FHIR. Lloyd notes that Dave responded he will have the FHIR PSS updated by end of year.
    • Missing specimen as a resource on their list. Coordination with Pharmacy will be needed. RIM mapping rigor will have to wait to follow tooling. Hugh notes Pharmacy started with their DMIMs and threw out anything that didn't belong in the 80%.
    • Lorraine moves and Lloyd seconds approval as amended. Unanimously approved.
  • Process management
    • Developing FMG Management Methodology - see FHIR Methodology Process and FHIR Guide to Designing Resources
      • Identify high priority methodology topics – need precepts; need QA guidelines.
      • Review FHIR QA Guidelines this cycle the FMG took on a lot of the QA themselves; how much to push onto the committees? QA processes need to be completed by March 22nd. Austin cautions on distributed QA and the ability of the FMG to tell them their QA was insufficient. Different committees exercise different rigor in ballot reconciliation. Reconciliation comment volume may jeopardize ability to make May ballot. Initial content deadline is Feb 24th. What guidelines do we give attendees in Phoenix for readiness to ballot and publish? How does Woody's publishing calendar change to accommodate FHIR? Add to next call discussion. What is the go-no go decision point for May ballot as DSTU? Need enough time for WGs to carefully consider their comments but need to live up to the "F" in FHIR.
      • Hugh asks if we have the clear list of resources we'd like to have (or need to have) in the ballot? Chairs of FMG and chairs of FGB should review and report back.
  • John Moehrke joins
  • Lloyd will also ask members to review the slide presentations for the tutorials in January.

Adjourned 2:06 PM ET

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Chairs of FMG and chairs of FGB should review and report back on the wish list of resources for DSTU ballot
  • FHIR liaison assignees must enroll in the listserv for the assigned WGs
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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