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20121210 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
web meeting

Date: 2012-12-10
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Lloyd McKenzie Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x Hugh Glover x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio x Ron Parker, FGB Chair . John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Observers/Guests
x Lorraine Constable regrets John Moehrke x Lynn Laakso, scribe
. Jean Duteau x Brian Pech x Austin Kreisler
x David Hay
. Ewout Kramer


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20121203 FMG concall
  • Administrative
    • Handling of Action items
    • Call schedule for holiday season
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Is everything on track?
      • Attendees count for HQ room logistics
      • Promotion - Twitter/LinkedIn, eNews?
    • FGB
      • When should we start seeing precepts?
    • MnM
      • Progress with methodology & design patterns
    • Liasons
      • On track? Issues?
  • Process Management
    • Assign reps for committees FMG Liasons
      • Ensure all Liason & Backup positions are filled
      • Are external participants limited to Consulting role? (FGB question?)
      • What do we do w/ PC?
      • Any other "essential" resources to target for 1st DSTU?
    • Developing FMG Management Methodology - see FHIR Methodology Process and FHIR Guide to Designing Resources
      • Has everyone reviewed?
      • Further thoughts on approach/organization?
      • Identify high priority methodology topics
    • FHIR Design patterns - see FHIR Design Patterns
      • Prioritization of methodology elements
      • Process for "formally approving" guidelines and determining strength of enforcement
    • Ballot content review and QA process FHIR QA Guidelines
      • What are our plans for QA next ballot?
    • Ballot Planning
      • What are timelines for ballot?
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Roll Call – convene at 1:06 pm ET
  • Agenda Check – approved unanimously
  • Minutes from 20121203 FMG concall – Moved by David seconded Hugh; unanimously approved.
  • Administrative
    • Handling of Action items – Lynn will send out email with summary of action items after each call
    • Call schedule for holiday season – 17th is scheduled, but cancelling calls are the 24th or 31st (US Eastern) to January 7th. Schedule another call for Jan 2nd at 1 PM.
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Is everything on track?
      • Attendees count for HQ room logistics
        David confirmed with Lillian this morning room for 30; only David and Grahame are listed on the wiki so far. ACTION ITEM: David will send a reminder that connectathon space is limited, first come first serve please sign up on wiki.
      • Promotion - Twitter/LinkedIn, eNews? ACTION ITEM: David will draft something for eNews for review by the group and for Andrea at HQ. May want to include sign up page URL and instructions. Austin suggests a note on Mobile Health's list or a call to urge their participation. Lloyd notes SDWG would be interested in the XDS work. Hugh cautions about drumming up interest for only observers when you are looking for participants.
    • FGB
      • When should we start seeing precepts? Ron reports that he's working on them and will have something reviewed by FGB on Wednesday and send by Thursday to FMG. Looking to accelerate FGB insights into other organizations. Just to clarify that FHIR is piloting the governance process not that it is a pilot of the governance process. Looking to establish CDA as a product line soon.
    • MnM
      • Progress with methodology & design patterns – Lloyd reports they reviewed methodology sections on last MnM call and obtained volunteers to develop certain sections. They will review further on Wednesday. They will bring a summary to FMG and FGB soon.
    • Liaisons
      • Don't have any for reporting.
  • Process Management
    • Assign reps for committees FMG Liasons
      • Ensure all Liaison & Backup positions are filled
        • what are the expectations of the liaison role? Be on their list server and reviewing their minutes; may have for need for FHIR representation on their call(s). Need to bring their issues to FMG to advise on development. What is role during WGM? May need to review this with the cochairs on Monday night. ACTION ITEM: Lynn will add expectation of liaison roles to Monday night agenda. Lloyd will provide a slide to Austin for use Tuesday morning on expectation of liaison roles.
        • Discussion of assignment of roles
      • Are external participants limited to Consulting role? (FGB question?) – Ron notes that IHE is expected to do development on FHIR from within an HL7 WG – they can bring a requirement to the FMG. Likewise we expect them to profile the resources in some capacity. ACTION ITEM: Ron will take a proposal to the FGB for the documentation of an IHE approach to simulate the MOU with DICOM on working through an HL7 WG.
      • What do we do w/ PC? Push their development to Core Team's scope and leave the WG as a consultative role. Need to schedule their WG to review content developed. Austin notes that the team needs to "own" the project with PC as cosponsor how can the team initiate a project? FMG might have to initiate the scope statement for resources from the core team. TSC is currently holding sponsorship for FHIR ballot/projects. If FMG takes responsibility for core team activity we have to manage our own activities allowing us to be both poacher and gamekeeper. ACTION ITEM: Lloyd will draft an email to PC cochairs proposing approach regarding PC resource development. He will include Jean and David as CC's with respect to their liaison roles.
      • Any other "essential" resources to target for 1st DSTU? Review of Resource proposals to be included has not occurred. Targeting 2013 May. Ron notes we don’t want to go to the effort retrospectively. Need to start somewhere. Lloyd feels the resource proposal captures documentation that is not produced anywhere else that still provides value.

Being at time, the remainder of the agenda is postponed to next week after reports and liaison assignments.

Adjourned 2:03 PM ET

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • David will send a reminder that connectathon space is limited, first come first serve please sign up on wiki
  • David will draft something for eNews about the Connectathon for review by the group and for Andrea at HQ
  • Ron will have some precepts reviewed by FGB on Wednesday and send by Thursday to FMG
  • Lynn will add expectation of FMG liaison roles to Monday night agenda.
  • Lloyd will provide a slide to Austin for use Tuesday morning on expectation of FHIR liaison roles.
  • Ron will take a proposal to the FGB for the documentation of an IHE approach to simulate the MOU with DICOM on working through an HL7 WG.
  • Lloyd will draft an email to PC cochairs proposing approach regarding PC resource development
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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