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2012-10-18 Tooling Call

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Tooling Meeting Template

Meeting Information

HL7 Tooling Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270;
Participant PassCode:586935#
GoToMeeting URL:

Date: 2012-10-18
Time: 10:00 am EDT
Facilitator: Andy Stechishin Note taker(s): Lynn Laakso
Attendee Name, Affiliation
x Woody Beeler, Beeler Consulting
x Wilfred Bonney, HL7 HQ
x Dennis Cheung, eHealth Ontario
x Lorraine Constable, HL7 ES liaison
x Jane Curry, Co-Chair
x Lynn Laakso, HL7 HQ Tooling Support
x Abdul-Malik Shakir, Shakir Consulting
x Brian Pech, KP
x John Ritter, EHR
x Andy Stechishin, Co-chair
regrets Michael van der Zel, co-chair
Quorum Requirements Met (co-chair plus 3 counting staff): (yes)


Agenda Topics

Supporting Documents


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:
Call to order 10:04 AM

  • Roll Call & Agenda Review - Andy notes this agenda is primarily about liaison reporting.
    • Jane suggests Tooling Strategy and HingX be reviewed for scheduling separate calls.
    • Jane noted that we also need to discuss rescheduling this call so that Michael can attend; Andy will be speaking with him tomorrow.
  • Approval of previous minutes from 2012-10-11 Tooling Call Jane moves and John seconds approval. Unanimously approved.
  • Update from Tooling Liaisons: Andy reports Lorraine will be joining the call shortly, so push ES report to the end.
    • Jane Curry - Templates, HL7 Board, Open Health Tools
      • Templates is working on HingX and coordinating with Kai on DECOR. Presentation is being updated using DÉCOR as example project. They are also working on ITS for Templates exchange with Kai. Also need to work out versioning with Structured Docs. Jane's been introduced to a WHO rep to discuss how HL7 is working with HingX. John reports he's been invited to attend a WHO forum but needs to obtain funding. Brian reports that his manager, Jamie Ferguson, is also attending. Coordination of attendance and funding discussed.
      • From the Board perspective, there is anxiety among the Executive committee about funding for anything beyond "lights on" in Tooling in 2013 due to the change in IP policy and its potential effect on membership
    • Rob Snelick - CGIT (not on the call)
    • John Ritter - EHR - John reports first phase is underway. Andy reports deliverables were approved in Tooling last week, and they continue to make progress towards deliverables. No one from the profiling team was on the EHR call Tuesday.
    • Rene Spronk -Marketing (not on the call)
    • Andy Stechishin - Structured Documents, Vocabulary, Publishing
      • Not much to report on SDWG since they're working with Templates exchange. Trifolia information from Lantana received and he'll be working with Kai over the weekend to extract and move into décor.
      • Vocabulary has a couple of PSS that need to come to Tooling as cosponsors. He'll be joining the vocab call to see where the PSS are.
      • Publishing - combining RMIMs into standalone documents for HQMF and looking at doing the same for CDA R3. Woody also notes we have to reballot some foundation standards to meet ANSI expectations. Publication as MIF rather than through pubdb is being considered. Lynn asks about V3 generator; Woody reports it's happening on the side of that, not contributing to it. Brian reports they're focusing on the V2 database.
    • Michael Van der Zel - Patient Care, RIMBAA (not on the call)
      • RIMBAA has no action on the tooling front, Andy reports. Latest discussions have been on OOC meetings.
    • AMS - CIC (not on the call yet, having trouble with audio connection)
    • Lorraine Constable - Electronic Services (not on the call yet)
  • Review projects:
    Tooling-sponsored Projects
    • PI# 913 HL7 Tooling Challenge
      • Lynn reports the Tooling Challenge first webinar is scheduled for the 25th. Seven entrants so far, received phone inquiry today. Ken Harkin posted on the SparxSystems blog.
    • PI# 904 HL7/OHT Health Ingenuity Exchange Alpha Program Participation
      • Need better way to post resources definitions to HingX than to use the User Interface and enter them one at a time. Will require enhacement of the API. Need to continue to work as active users, entering resources manually, to demonstrate our commitment before they'll entertain our enhancement suggestions. Metadata required with our resources needs to be established and she's seeking other volunteers to discuss besides Woody and AMS. Woody prefers the approach of a candidate set rather than strict set of properties to represent any HL7 artifact. Limit ourselves to the domain spaces for now and which artifacts from domain spaces should be registered. Woody started a wiki page, registered as a resource on the HingX site and it's linked from the HL7 wiki page on HingX. Jane encourages others to register as users and send her an email so she can add you to the HL7 community and the Tooling WG.
    • Lorraine Constable - Electronic Services (now on the call)
      • Related a question from Mike on technical contact to work with on managing single sign on between HL7 and the UCPRS tool.
      • Scratchpad workspace still on hold, Dashboard still on the radar but on hold until after TSC Strategic Initiatives dashboard. Jane notes the results of metrics of progress on Tooling Strategy need to be publicized as some sort of dashboard but we'll wait to see the example set by the TSC.
    • AMS - CIC
      • No report on CIC
      • MAX had a perfect storm, comedy of errors, no call in October. EHR project is giving hope that their approach will be reusable. He'll be working with Jane on the next steps. No tooling budget remains this year so they'll discuss offline.
  • PI# 801 Tooling Strategy and Process Revision
    • Lynn reports she's updated the wiki page and further updates are needed to accommodate tooling requests where there is no budget. Strategy document from the Sept WGM is on the wiki page. Jane asks who will participate in additional calls outside - Andy, Woody, Dennis volunteer. Email time slots to Jane if you cannot stay on after the regular Tooling call.
  • PI# 829 HL7 Templates Registry Business Process Requirements Analysis (Templates sponsor). Jane reports that the document passed and will probably be part of the 2013 Normative Edition. Jane will remind them of the need to submit a request to publish.
  • PI# 806 Development of policies and procedures of an HL7 terminology authority (Vocabulary sponsor) Andy knows of no progress on this item and will be attending Vocab today.
  • Adjourned 10:53 AM EDT

Meeting Outcomes

  • Jane will remind Templates of the need to submit a request to publish HL7 Templates Registry Business Process Requirements Analysis.
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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