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20091029 arb minutes

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Architecture Board

October 29, 2009


Name PresentWith AffiliationE-mail address
Aneja, Paul ? Guest    
Bond, Andy ? ArB    
Curry, Jane Yes ArB Health Information
Grieve, Grahame ? ArB Kestral
Hufnagle, Steve ? Guest    
Julian, Tony Yes ArB Mayo
Koisch, John ? ArB
Loyd, Patrick ? ARB Gordon point Informatics LTD.
Lynch, Cecil Yes ArB ontoreason
Mead, Charlie Yes ArB Booz Allen
Nelson, Dale Yes Arb
Ocasio, Wendell ? ArB Agilex
Parker, Ron Yes ArB CA
Platt, Joe Yes Guest Ekagra Software
Quinn, John ? ArB Health Level Seven,
Robertson, Scott ? Guest Kaiser Permanente 
Shakir, Abdul-Malik ? ArB Shakir
Smith, Karen ? Guest Technical
Thompson, Cliff Yes Guest OntoSolutions LLC
VanArsdall, Eddie Yes Guest


  • Call to order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Approval of Minutes of the October 22 Telecon
  • Feedback to Karen on DITA topic Map
  • Communication
  • ECCF responses for ICWG
  • Karen's strategies for techical editing for rest of year.
  • Other business and planning for next meeting.
  • Adjournment

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00am U. S. Eastern with Ron Parker as Chair and Tony Julian as Scribe. Quorum was achieved.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved by affirmation.

Approval of Minutes of the October 22 Telcon

ECCF responses for ICWG

Charlie Mead:In the ECCF there is a mature stack: with all artifacts, and immature stack is partial. Conformance has tried to address level of maturigy of documenationg. We could not call them levels because of the confusion about levels of abstraction in ECCF. Do we want to in the saeaf enforce levels of documentation.

Jane Curry: Level 0 is no specification.

Charlie Mead: the tricky part is to incorporate levels - we know what a mature stack is, can we granulate between level 0 and fully mature. We can respond that we will incorporate, but not at this time.

Jane Curry: Accept the idea, offer to use it as implementable(platform specific) and talk about level of maturity of the document:

Charlie Mead: interesting - what if we said a level 0 is unacceptable, level 1 Pim, level 2 Pim and Pism, Level 3 is full .

Ron Parker: The levels they use are not right for the emerging content. They would engage in the content.

We need to send to ICWG post haste. So ICWG will engage.

Charlie Mead: Ron would you forward to Jane Gilbert.

  • Approve comments (or their edits as necessary) for return to the ICWG.

Charlie Mead: ICWG is confortable with our 'levels' being different.

  1. Approve a motion that requests that the ICWG harmonize all of the ECCF terms of art with ICWG terms and supply the ArB with the resulting, latest version of its ICWG documentation. (Resolution should note that the ECCF will include the ICWG concept of Compatibility)-
  1. Approve a motion stating that the ArB needs to set up a formal work-stream with the ICWG to ensure a deeper understanding of and relevance to the concepts PROFILE and CONFORMANCE LEVEL. NOTE: The former is currently not formally included in the ECCF (although the Behavior Framework has an explicit notion of Conformance Profiles – see attached Profile documentation from NCI courtesy of John Koisch and Alan Honey), which the latter may address issues of "grading" or "levelling'” immature Specification Stack instances.

Jane Curry: we have not yet incorporated real localization and extension.

Charlie Mead: I told Karen early on - has modified graphic to allow localization between pim and pism. We have a grpahic that needs to be written about - around ICWG's concept of compatability.

Jane Curry: Show up in governance - localazation falls in the jurisdiction.

Charlie Mead: NCI is adopting with localization.

Ron Parker: They have ownership about expression. We have a few action items.

Other business and planning for next meeting

Next call will be at 6:00 PM U.S. Eastern Ron Parker: Future ARB topics:

SOAML (new version OMG wants us to engage with) 1/2 of a call

Greg to give an alignment assessment with TOGA semantic efforts - full call


Meeting was adjourned at 11:05